{🌺]《Plane Tickets》[🌺}

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I realized that if I were to tell Skeppy how I felt about it, it had to be in person. I don’t know why, but I really didn’t want to tell him through TS. Probably because it would sound insincere. 

“Looks like I’m going to Chicago IL.” I said to myself. 

I opened up my computer, not the one I used to play Minecraft with but my personal one instead. I went onto google and searched for plane tickets to Chicago IL. 

I then accidentally closed the tab.

I freaked out a little at first, but then remembered that search history was a thing. Feeling relieved, I went to my google search history and tried to reopen the tab that I had accidentally closed. I found it, but I shivered when I saw what was below it. 


Almost instantly, the vines burst out of my chest. It hurt, it hurt a lot. I just wanted to close my computer and never open it again so that the pain would stop. 

But then I remembered what a6d told me. 

“Would you rather keep avoiding Skeppy and quite possibly go through that pain from time to time or go through that pain once to never have to go through it again?”

I choose the second option. 

I forced myself to withstand the pain, so much to the point where I couldn’t control the tears falling off my face. I reopened the tab I closed and the vines eventually went away albeit slowly as there was now nothing even remotely related to Skeppy around anymore.

‘If I die doing this, I’m gonna kill you a6d.’ I thought as I continued searching for affordable plane tickets to Chicago IL.

I eventually found a ticket for tomorrow at 9:30 a.m., and it was much more affordable than I expected.  So I decided to get that one. 

Once the purchase was made, I packed a small luggage full of essentials such as muffins, water, a few sets of clothes and toiletries. Once everything was packed and ready to go, I headed straight to bed.

My alarm clock rang loudly, much to my dismay. But I knew that it was time to wake up, so I did. I checked the time and it read 7:34 a.m. 

“Ah, perfect.” I said to myself as I pulled myself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. Once that was done, I had my breakfast which was a blueberry muffin.

It was now 7:52 am as I grabbed my luggage and headed to the airport, which was a 45 minute drive with an extra 5 minutes because I needed to find a parking space. It was already 8:42 am as I entered the airport and did what was necessary to get on an airplane. Thankfully, I reached the boarding deck a little earlier than 9:30 am. 

As I waited, I couldn’t help but stare at the charm. I wondered, if I actually did confess, would the vines never come out again? Well, there was only one way to find out, and that is by actually doing it.

A few minutes later, it was time to board the plane. I nervously boarded the plane, knowing that where I was going to go and what I was going to do was about to determine whether I live or not. As I sat down on my seat, I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.

*fluff ahead :3 (this was not my idea but thank you Caltheboi888)* 

Suddenly, I felt something tug on my arm. I looked over to see what it was, it was a kid who looked no older than 7. He had spiky hair and slightly tanned skin, he kind of reminded me of Zak in a way. 

“Mister, are you afraid of being on planes?” The kid asked, his voice was unexpectedly high. 

“Ah…” I stuttered, not knowing what to say. 

“It’s alright, mister! Mommy always said that if you’re ever scared, you should hold a hand!” The kid said as he grabbed my hand, well, not my hand, but my finger as my hand was obviously bigger than his. My hand even looked bigger than his face. 

However, I felt somewhat calm as the kid held my hand tight. So much to the point where I didn’t even notice that the plane had already taken off. How do I say this… I felt so safe for the first time since the charm appeared. 

Not too long after, the plane landed in Chicago, IL and the kid and I went our separate ways. If I was being honest, I really did not want to leave the kid. But alas, I had to. 

Then I realised something. 

Where the muffin is Skeppy’s house? 

I was in a bind. I came all the way here only to remember that I do not know what Skeppy’s house was. I mentally face-palmed as I sat down on a random bench, feeling somewhat defeated. 

Wait a minute. 

Hasn’t a6d been to Skeppy’s house before? 

Immediately, I opened up my phone and messaged a6d, well, I might’ve unintentionally spammed him but that wasn’t important right now.

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
You sent like 14 messages in a single minute- 

Yeah yeah, I know
Anyway, you’ve been to Skeppy’s house before right?
Do you know the address?

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Yeah, I have
Why would you want to know?
Don’t tell me-

Yes, it’s true
I am in Chicago, IL
I think you know why I’m there

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Dude, are you sure you’re doing this?
Wouldn’t it hurt like hell? 

Of course it’s gonna hurt, you muffin>:(
But I realized that you had a point
Maybe everything’s that happened to me will stop if I actually do this

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
I think I have a newfound respect for you now-
And here
*insert Skeppy’s address here*

Thanks, a6d :D
I’ll repay you by sending you 72 baguettes

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Pls don’t 



Thank you Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for halping me with this chapter!

Ooo we are neering the end...

(Wordcount 1032)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now