{🌺]《Blood Water》[🌺}

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“You alright?” The boy asked, his voice felt rather relieving and familiar.

“Yeah, thanks…” I said, breathing heavily as I tried to catch my breath. Soon, my vision cleared up and I could now identify the person who saved me. I knew it, it was the boy in the picture.

“Wait, I know you! Your name is Zak!”  I said. 

“I- how did you know?”  Zak replied.

“I searched you up after I realized that there were initials similar to the one’s on this necklace.” I said as I showed Zak the initials on the charm. 

“Oh, makes sense.” He mumbled.

“I’m Darryl, by the way.”  I said. “But, you can call me Badboyhalo.”

“Ooh, nice name.” Zak said. 

“Thanks.” I replied. 

“So, why are you here?” Zak asked. 

“I don’t really know. One moment this charm was trying to kill me and the next thing I knew, I’m here.” I replied and showed Zak the charm again.

“That seems odd.” Zak replied.

“Indeed.” I said.

“So why were you in the ocean anyways?” Zak asked.

“Uh… Kind of hard to explain.” I said.

“You can tell me, I’ll be able to handle it no matter how weird it is.” Zak said. 

“You sure?” I asked. 

“Yeah.” Zak replied. 

I proceeded to explain everything to Zak. How vines would burst out of my chest and crush me when I think about someone, how I fainted and ended up talking to the coder of the charm and so on. Despite how weird it sounded, Zak did not react the way a confused person did. Instead, he listened the whole way through. 

“...And that’s how I got here.” I said, ending my explanation. 

“Whoa, that’s rough buddy.” Zak commented. 

“Exactly, and now I have two questions lingering inside my mind. Number one, how do I permanently stop the vines from growing out of my chest and number two, how do I get out of here?” I asked.

“I think I can help with question number two.” Zak said as he grabbed my shoulder and pushed me into the ocean.

“WHAT THE MUFFIN!?” I yelled as I fell into the blood red water and started drowning again. 

“There, I helped you with question number 2. Now, for question number 1… I’ll be nice and give you a hint.” Zak said. 

“Tell him before you’re erased.”


Thank you Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for helping my with this chapter!
(Wordcount 392)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now