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I was back in my bed, lying down. I got up and checked my chest, the vines were all gone, as if it were never there at all. I still had the necklace on, surprisingly. 

“What just happened?”  I asked myself, confused.

I eventually decided to forget about it as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I let out a deep sigh as I accumulated water in my palms and splashed it onto my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed eye bags under my eyes. 

“I had a rough week…” I sighed as my phone buzzed. 

I checked who it was, it was Skeppy. Immediately, I put my phone down. I had to stay true to my word or ‘that’ will happen again. But deep down, I knew that I still very much wanted to see his texts.  

‘Ugh. Why not?’ I thought.

 I opened up my phone and checked Skeppy’s messages, he was still going on about how he was sorry about the troll and if I was ok. I wanted to reply, but I knew that I couldn’t. So I had to use another way to do so. 

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :


French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :

Can you help me tell Skeppy that I forgive him for the troll?
Also tell him I’m fine.

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Why tho?

Just help me, you muffin >:O

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐:
Fine, what exactly do you want me to say?

Just say that I’m fine and I forgive him.

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :

Thanks! :D

“That was easy.” I said to myself.

Suddenly, the charm started glowing again, but in a less sinister way. Despite that, I started freaking out, thinking that the pain would come. And it did, but not in the way that I remembered. This time, it was obviously less painful than earlier. So much so that I didn’t even feel it.

 I wanted to take a closer look at the charm. I had already seen the front, obviously. But, I still don’t know what the back of the charm looked like.

I placed the charm in between my two fingers since it was pretty small and flipped it over. On the back of the charm, there was a little metal plate, it had four letters. On it, two of which were my initials, D.N, the other two read Z.A.

I had no idea what the ‘Z.A.’ was, but I was curious. I eventually decided to search it up online to see if I could at least figure out what it was.

I went back to my room and started up my computer. Opening a new tab on Google, I searched the up initials Z.A., only to find nothing that was of use. There were just too many people with the initials Z.A in the world.

Suddenly, the charm started glowing in a light blue color, catching my attention in seconds, ‘It usually just glows in red, what happened?’ It didn’t stay glowing for long though, it started blinking at two different speeds one longer and the other shorter, ‘morse code.’ I watched it blink for a couple more seconds before finding the pattern repeating itself. I quickly grabbed a notepad and pen so I could write down the pattern.

--..   .-   -.- 
z     a     k




Iam feeling good so you get 2 chapters in one day. Iam thanking Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for helping me whit this chapter.

(Wordcount 574)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now