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☆°•-Skip to when things happen‐•°☆


"STOP WHIT THE MEMES!" I yelled as I once again removed a 14. We were now on my server, he was griefing it. "SLASH SLASH UNDO, SKEPPY!"

"Slash slash undo?" He asked pretending not to know what I was saying. This is what I hated yet loved about him. It is weird I know.

"Grrr..." Sure it was still annoying. "Grrrr-"
"Oh my goodness..." I said as he was mocking me. "Skeppy, stop!"

"Naa, I don't think I will." He teased. "Oh my goodness, SKEPPY!" I was being pretty loud, my roommate will hate me after this. Oh well, why do I care anyway. I just want him to be happy thats all.

Nothing more, nothing less. Him having a happy life is all I could ask for! Knowing he was happy made me happy.

"Anyway I have a girlfriend!" He said in a happy tone. "So we don't have to worry about the 'skephalo' thing anymore!"

'What....? no, nonono I-.. maybe I didn't hear him correctly. Yeah.'

"I am sorry I spaced out, what did you say?" I sounded cold, distant, broken. "Oh, I said I have a girlfriend and we don't need to worry about the 'skephalo' thing. Are you ok? You sound sad."

'This can't be happening. This can't be FUCKING HAPPENING! Not now, not when I- ...no.'

"Yeah, I am fine. I- I need to go sorry." I disconnected from teamspeak and logged off the server, I didn't care if it still was griefed.

I felt like I was going to throw up. I rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. I sat there, beside the toilet for a while to gather my strength.

I could feel thorny vines wrapping themself around my arms and spine.

It felt like my ribs were breaking...





So I could feel all the pain...

only the pain...

Pain that never stops...

Pain that never goes away...

No matter how hard you try...

It is always there...

My heart is broken...

And you can't fix is now...

You will only succeed in hurting yourself...

No more...

'What if you MADE him yours?'

'Kill the BITCH who dares touch him!'

'After all isn't he YOUR muffin?'

"Yes, I could do that....."


Welp, that went from 0 to 100 real fast. °^°
Hope you enjod it!
(Wordcount 381)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now