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Zak’s pov

The ambulance arrived soon after Bad had lost consciousness. The medics immediately ran over to his body and did some checks. I learnt from the medics that he was still breathing, but it was very faint. 

They soon brought out a stretcher and carried Bad’s body into the ambulance. I was asked to come along and I did. I sat beside Bad as his unconscious body laid down on a hospital bed.

I then remembered what Bad said earlier and started blushing profusely. Was I in love with Bad? No, it can’t be, I already have a girlfriend and I love her.

“This can’t be happening right now…” I said to myself as I rested my forehead onto my palms, feeling a little conflicted as of now. 

Suddenly, I heard a beeping noise. It sounded like someone’s pulse was depleting and the pulse checker was acting up-


Oh no

No no no no no no no

I looked at Bad and surely enough, his pulse was depleting at an alarming rate. This scared and worried me to the point where I was paralyzed. I couldn’t move an inch no matter how hard I tried. However, my mouth was still working. 

“MEDIC!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

As soon as I yelled, the medic arrived and checked on Bad. I’m sure they could tell that Bad’s pulse was depleting as they brought out external defibrillators to try and get Bad’s pulse going again. 

Shocked one time.

Shocked two times.

Shocked three times.

Shocked four times. 


There was nothing.

Bad’s pulse had completely depleted.

“10:40am.” The medic announced.

Did they just-


No no no

He can’t be-


I refuse to believe it. 

I fell onto my seat and leaned my head against the wall. Tears started to form in my eyes as they trickled down on my face. 

Bad was gone. 

He was gone…




{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now