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I woke up in my bed, sweating profusely. I got up and checked my body, the vines were no more, to my relief.

“I need some water…” I groaned as I hopped out of bed and went to the kitchen. There, I grabbed a mug , filled it up with water and took a big gulp. I then returned to my room where my phone was, there were over 50 notifications which were most likely from a6d and Skep- 


I really did not want vines growing out of my chest again, so I decided to reply to only a6d and not Skeppy. I texted a6d, saying that I was fine and asked him to help me tell Skeppy the same thing. 

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Dude, why can’t you just tell Skeppy on your own? 
He’s worried for you as equally as I am

It’s… personal

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
How can you not tell your best friend that you're fine in person, Bad?

Like I said, it’s personal
So just help me tell him that I’m fine, is that so hard?

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
It’s not-
So why can’t you just do it then?
Did something happen between the two of you?

I’d… rather not talk about it

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Why not? 

Because I don’t wanna talk about it

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
That’s not a very good excuse
Just tell me, Bad 

Ugh, fine
You muffin head >: (

I proceeded to explain everything that happened via texting to a6d, and I could tell that he was confused because he would constantly reply to my messages with a ‘what?’ or ‘what are you talking about?’.

And that’s pretty much it, so far

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Ok first of all, what the heck

I know, it’s weird

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
But I’m rather curious about the hint that Zak guy gave you

The part where he said ‘tell him before you get erased’?

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
I think I know what he meant by that

Tell me!!!

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
He wants you to tell him before you die?
At least I think that’s what he means

Weren’t you listening?
If I talk to Skeppy or even think about him, the vines would burst out

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Yeah, I know that
But, maybe if you actually tell him…
The vines would disappear, maybe? 

So you’re telling me that I have to go through all that pain while I confess to Skeppy?

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :

No, there is no way I’m going through that pain

French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :


French Baguette 🥖🥖🥐 :
Would you rather keep avoiding Skeppy and quite possibly go through that pain from time to time or go through that pain once to never have to go through it again?



A6d had a point. If I confess now, it’ll be the last time I ever feel this pain. Even though I really don’t want to, I decided that I was going to. 

I’ll tell Skeppy how I feel about him.


Thank you Caltheboi888 and N1ght3rr0r for helping me with this chapter!
(Wordcount 545)

{🌺]《Flower Boy》[🌺} A Skephalo Fanfic (DISCONTINUD)Where stories live. Discover now