Chapter 1: The Fall Out

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One Week Later, January 2017;

To say things have been a little busy since New Year's Eve at ShowTime's would be an understatement; things have been crazy stupid busy! I guess we should've expected it to be like this though; we just really weren't prepared that the news would make things like this. Santana and I are featured in almost every magazine, some even dedicating full pages to us and the pregnancy, which means the paparazzi are constantly following us. And I mean constantly following us, it's like they don't ever sleep! Do you know how much Santana hates paparazzi? A lot, like they're her least favorite kind of people in the world. So now that she's pregnant and her fuse for them has been shortened considerably, it's never a pretty sight when they invade our little bubble.

I mean, just yesterday I had to physically pry her fingers off of a cup of hot chocolate before it ended up on one ballsy photographer who was hiding out in the bushes beside us when we were on our way to pick Bella up from school. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't able to pull her cup away at the last second, we would've probably had some type of charges brought up on us; assault with a deadly, scalding, cup of chocolate milk maybe?

That's just our private, well not so private now that everyone's breathing down our backs, life; at SnixxJuice, it's a whole different world.

Santana was used to getting fan mail, she'd even share some of the letters kids would send her with me, but she never got boxes full before. Jenna would literally have to make three trips from the mail room because the amount of letters not only she got but I got too were just too much to fit in her usual letter bin. People sent little drawings, letters, notes, stuffed animals, bibs with unicorns on them, bracelets, you name it, it's probably in one of the boxes. We knew we had a big fan base, but we didn't know it was this big. Jenna would offer to skim through the letters just in case someone decided to send something hateful, believe it or not there are still people out there who would rain on our parade like that, but Santana just told her to sort everything by letters and gifts and at the end of the day we'd take a bin home and sit on the couch together and just read through everything.

People are so nice.

Not only was the mailroom booming, but with the Grammys coming up next month, Santana was doing nothing but interviews and meetings. It worried me that she might be pushing herself too hard because sometimes it's like she forgets that it's just not her she's caring for anymore, it's the baby too and I can only do so much without pissing her off. I have faith that she knows her limit though, she knows when she needs to take a little break and she knows when she needs to take it easy, but that doesn't really stop me from checking up on her.

I have to do that subtly though because she hates when I baby her. I try to tell her that I'm just checking on her and making sure she's doing okay, but she's still a little skeptical of it.

Even I have been pretty busy with the studio, not really in the same way Santana has been busy with Grammy stuff, but I'm really thankful that I have Jeremy now. With how hectic things are lately, I can see just how fast I can slip into my old habits of working double shifts and spreading myself so thin because it's easy. That adrenaline I get from choreographing just keeps me going all day because that's all I do all day and if it's easy for me to slip back into that old routine, I know it's easy for Santana to slip into hers too.

Which is what we are currently arguing about now..

"It's not like I don't find you sneaking work emails at home when you're supposed to be looking up home remedies for cramps." I fought back sternly; mirroring my wife's folded up arms and narrowed eyes. She had called me into her office about 15 minutes ago because I spent an hour or two at the studio when I was supposed to be using those hours to rest before going into see Heather and Colton. I was trying to be secretive about it, not even going to lie, but that's only because I wanted to come home early! She still wasn't having it though.

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