Broken Baby

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For the first few weeks of Dylan's life, Santana was the prime example of a stay-at-home mom; she took care of all the laundry and cleaning herself and even cooked dinner almost every single night. It was a welcomed change because hearing, "I have hired help to do that for me.." got old quickly.

Then again, what was she supposed to do while she was recovering? We agreed that she wouldn't go back to work full time until Dyl was at least a month old, but San gets antsy when she's trapped in the house all day.

One time I came home from work to find them in San's music/office room, San sitting on the ground with Dylan in her lap and a set of bulky headphones around her neck while she fed him a bottle. At first I found the scene adorable until I listened a little closer and realized San was actually critiquing the artist she was listening to.

"Oh God, did you hear his voice crack?" She asked through a breathy laugh not realizing I was standing in the doorway, "He could've at least sent in something screamed a little less I just hit puberty." I scrunched my nose at the comment and watched as Dylan just stared up at Santana blankly, his little hands fisting the edge of her Vneck. San just chuckled at his hand placement and cradled his body as she leaned over a little to scribble something down on a notepad, "I think you're going to be all about the boobies, Dyl, just like your Mommy."

Clearing my throat at my name being mentioned, I took a step into the room and crossed my arms, "Am not!"

"I'm just calling it like I see'z it, babe." San smirked as she took off the headphones from around her neck and tried getting Dylan to keep his hands off her boobs, "He goes straight for every time." She moved his hands away again but they were soon reaching for her chest yet again.

"Well..everyone loves boobs so I can see why," I shrugged innocently. San just laughed, shaking her head, as I took a seat next to them on the floor. I kissed her cheek then the top of Dylan's head, "Hi babies."

"Not that I'm complaining, but you're home really early," San commented as I smiled down at our son, taking in how fast he's grown in the past four weeks, "Rough day?"

"Mm, I just missed you guys too much I guess," I shrugged and leaned my head on San's shoulder.

"Awh, we missed you lots today too!" San cheered in her baby talking voice as she sat Dylan up on her thighs so he was facing us, "Right, Dyly?"

He just stared blankly at us, bright eyes shifting from me to Santana then back to me, his fist slowly edging up to his slobbery mouth. There was no move of acknowledgment, no smile or spit bubble made to show that Santana was right, he just stared. Not that it bothered me, well yeah it kind of does, but the closeness between him and Santana isn't the same as it is with me. Maybe it's because she has been spending more time with him with being stuck at home all the time, but still, it hurts a little to be looked at like a stranger.

"You think he doesn't know who I am?" I asked quietly, my throat tightening as I expressed some hidden fears, "Like maybe he doesn't know I'm his mom too.."

"Britt.." San sighed and turned to me with a softening smile, "Of course he knows who you are." I just pursed my lips and continued to stare at Dylan. "He's just not used to you being around all the time since you work so much."

"Well, I love my job and someone's got to bring home the bacon." I shrugged, "I can't help that.."

"I know you do, but you two need some quality one on one time." She slipped her tan fingers under his arms, lifting him up, and settling him in my lap. My arms moved instinctively to cradle him since he was still too young to sit up on his own while his hands fisted my top and he buried his face in the material; it was his usual way of hugging. "See? He loves you." She cooed and shuffled even closer to me so that she could rest her head against mine, "And so do I."

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