Chapter 2: Wake Up Call

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I tried to focus my attention on all the things Jenna was telling me; trying to remember every detail, every valuable piece of information, everything, but I just couldn't concentrate. It felt so hard to breath all of a sudden and it seemed as if my heart refused to pump the blood through my veins and my limbs were actually stiffening the longer I tried to focus. I was hearing what she was saying but I wasn't listening, wasn't comprehending; I couldn't. It was like my brain was scratching out everything that didn't have Santana's name attached, but as Jenna went on to tell me which hospital Santana was taken to my body finally snapped into action.

I didn't realize I was turning on my heels ready to make a break for the door when I heard Mike call to me, "I can drive you." He must've caught on that something was terribly wrong; they all must've caught on by the way they were all staring at me. I didn't stop though; I needed to get to Santana right now.

So I ran right past him. I ran like my life depended on it; like her life depended on it. I ran like I wasn't just about to drop dead from being so worn out only 30 minutes before. My calves burned, my shins stung, my breath came out in short huffs against the bitter January air as I bolted down the city street ducking and dodging pedestrians that scattered the sidewalks.

I tried my hardest to keep my thoughts from creeping into the darker side of things, but I just couldn't help the string of what if's that forced their way in. It's like all the fears of not being able to protect her all came crashing down on me, like a hand wrapping around my neck, strangling me with my own fears, until I was desperately gasping for air.

I ran even faster; maybe I can escape those thoughts if I can just run faster.

My eyes scanned the street signs of each new block I ran by as I basically sprinted across town, but I wasn't even halfway there yet. It was then when I thought that maybe I should've taken Mike up on his offer of driving.

Then I remembered I was running for Santana, to Santana, and no car could get me to her faster than if I just ran. I felt the soles of my feet numbing up as each crash against the concrete sent a new shock wave through my legs straight to my gut, tackling the uneasy feeling I developed there ever since Jenna's call. Sweat was beginning to collect along my brows and down at the small of my back, colliding with the chill of the air making my head pound. I hurt like hell, but I'd go through it a hundred times just to get to her.

I hated that the last time we saw each other we were arguing again. It made me so sick thinking that my last words to her weren't I love you. I choked back the lump forming in my throat and focused on running as fast as I could.

God, what if she hit her head when she passed out? What if she's unconscious? What if she doesn't remember who I am? What if she doesn't wake up? What if the baby got hurt? What if we los-

I shook my head furiously at the last thought, refusing to let myself think something like that, and pushed myself harder than ever as I neared the parking lot. Seeing the bright lights of the hospital was sort of like a last energy boost for me, giving me enough power to dash through the parked cars right to the service desk.

Strands of blonde hair clung to my cheeks as I hunched over and tried to catch my breath, my hands griping my knees trying to hold myself up while the rest of my body buzzed with the adrenaline of running nearly 15 blocks to get here.

"Miss?" Someone asked hesitantly, "Are you alright?" I looked up through my out grown bangs to see a middle aged woman leaning over the top of the counter giving me a worried stare. I was still breathing heavily when I shook my head at her and straightened up; Santana, I need to see Santana.

I approached the desk slowly, my body already beginning to ache from the exertion, and tried my best to muster up enough control to even out my breathing.

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