Chapter 12: Protection

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"Okay mamas, let's get on all fours so that we can rest our upper torso on the fitness ball. Partners, steady the fitness ball."

I nodded to the instructor, Miss Maggie as everyone referred to her, then rearranged myself behind the ball while Santana hunched over and folded her arms on its surface.

"Now partners, we're going to do a couple exercises to relieve some of that ache that develops in the lower back." Miss Maggie replied and began giving step by step instructions. I made sure to listen very closely, making sure not to get ahead of myself since I thought I was already pretty awesome at giving massages. "Let's start at the nape of her neck and work our way down. Gentle touches, partners." I nodded again and brushed San's hair to the side so I had full view of her neck and tensed shoulders. With my bottom lip tucked snuggly between my teeth, I slowly I worked my fingers into the sore muscles along her spine.

"Ugh, Britt, that feels so good." San moaned quietly. I smiled triumphantly before leaning over to press a chaste kiss to her temple and continuing her massage. I always love knowing I can make her feel good, especially when she's constantly in pain.

"How are we feeling ladies? Relaxed?" Miss Maggie asked in general.

"God, yes!" I heard San moan a little louder this time causing a couple ladies off to the sides of us to chuckle. I mouthed a quick 'Sorry' before concentrating back on my practiced movements, not completely missing the muttered 'You need to learn a thing or two about being delicate from her' and 'Can we switch partners' that started to circle around the room. I tried to keep from blushing as the comments whirled but with Santana sounding like she was in a perfect bliss; it was hard to keep a low profile. What can I say? I know how to satisfy my lady!

"Once we're at the hips, we're going to work our way back up the sides of the spine." Miss Maggie instructed, walking around to observe everyone's technique. She stopped a few times to watch other couples, but once she got around to us, she merely smiled approvingly and went on walking. A few minutes later, Miss Maggie brought us all to attention so we could go over our closing exercises before bringing class to an end for the day. "Okay ladies and gents, I will see you all next week! Have a nice rest of the afternoon." Everyone started to collect their things, but before we could do the same, Miss Maggie called for us.

"Great class today, Miss Maggie." I greeted cheerfully before nodding over to San, "She's totally relaxed." The instructor smiled, pleased.

"I was just coming over to see how you guys like the classes so far, I know it's only your fifth one but hey. An old lady like me needs some feedback in her life."

"You know, just being real for a sec, I thought I was going to hate it." San started, "But they're actually really helpful! It's also nice that no one really acts differently towards us while we're here, makes things a lot easier. I'm glad Britt looked into it for us."

"That's wonderful, I'm always happy to hear that." Miss Maggie replied before turning to me, "I also came by to talk to you about your technique earlier when we were doing the massages. It was perfect!"

"Oh?" I gaped, taken aback. I knew I could give a nice massage, but perfect? Wow.

"Yes! I was wondering if you had a background in Massotherapy."

"Massowhat?" San asked, brows scrunched in confusion.

"I-uhm-well I've never been anywhere but Ohio and here." I replied innocently, "And briefly California, but that's all.."

Miss Maggie stared at us both before smirking, "Massotherapy, it's the study of therapeutic use of massage. I know you're a choreographer, but I'm just saying that you might have a possible side career on your hands, literally."

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