Chapter 14: New Editions

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"See? I told you a puppy wouldn't fit in there," San mumbled, eyes averted towards the box. I just nodded, swallowing as my throat got unbelievably dry all of a sudden.


"It's pink.."

"Well yeah," San answered timidly, shuffling a little as she kneeled, placing the box in the space she created between us, "You love pink." I stared down inside the box a little longer.

"I do." I nodded.


"It's kind of..big, don't you think?"I mumbled thoughtlessly, but she just shrugged.

"It's average sized, B, nothing we can't handle.."


"And are those..straps?"

"Yeah, they don't call it a strap on for nothing." She purred, smirking a little while she tried to initiate a kiss but when she saw I still had my eyes glued to the box, she deflated.

"I can't believe you got me this," I breathed out, a small smile playing at my lips.

"I-uh-yeah.." She muttered, her confidence level slowly dropping, "I've always wanted to try it with you. I've wondered what it'd be like to be wrapped up in your arms, you holding me, and still be able to.." Her gaze fell to her hands resting atop her belly, her voice coming out almost like a whisper, "I want to feel you, to be closer to you."

My heart swelled at her request and I couldn't decide whether I just fell in even more love with her or just got extremely turned on.

Probably both.

She licked her lips then bit down on her bottom lip and gnawed nervously.

Yeah, definitely both.

"You don't like it.." She stated, embarrassed. My trance was broken when she slapped the lid back on hastily and started to pull it away. She misinterpreted my pause.

"Hold on just a sec," I rushed out but she was already stuck in her own world.

"I knew it was a crazy thing to ask. I should've said something earlier, or maybe talked to you about it instead of just sticking it in a box and just you know.. dick in a box. You probably don't even like this sort of thing." She rambled, shaking her head at herself as she attempted to hide the box. Though I was a little surprised by her gift, I didn't mean to make it seem like I didn't like the present. I love anything she gives me! "It was silly, sorry, forget I ever-"

"Hey, it's not silly." I reassured her by pressing my lips against hers softly enough to get her to quit doubting herself. Her eyes flickered between mine briefly, searching for any hesitation I suppose. I smiled back instead and pulled her hands that were holding the box towards my lap and overlapped them with my own. "I was just processing," I shrugged innocently, stroking the back of her hands with my thumbs, "I actually didn't think you were into that kind of thing. I think your reasoning is really sweet."

"Well.." She muttered, her cheeks tinting a light shade of pink. I could tell she was shy just by how small her voice came out; it was cute. We settled into a silence; it wasn't awkward but there was definitely some tension there, probably sexual because not 5 minutes ago she was about to jump my bones. As I continued to stare at her, it looked like she was trying to judge whether or not I was accepting the idea or just trying to brush it off but rather than say anything, she only watched for my next move. Again, so cute.

Honestly, I didn't mind it. Any kind of sex with Santana, accessorized or not, is the best kind of sex. Though most people don't know this because of how she acts outside of closed doors, Santana is a little tiny bit self conscious when it comes to introducing new things in the bedroom. She's always been very delicate and cautious, making sure I was okay with whatever she wanted to try, it's sweet. But sometimes she needed someone to take control of the situation because there's nothing Santana loves more than someone who knows how to take charge.

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