Chapter 9: Baby Showers

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"Baby, come on, you can look for it in the morning."

"No, I want you to have it now.." I grumbled as I sank back to my knees and felt around for the other suitcase I stuffed under the bed. I must've left it in the wrapping and forgot to transfer it in the gift box, yeah, that's probably what happened!

"Okay, fine." San sighed then playfully propped her feet up on my butt as I practically went head first beneath our bed. "I can't believe you lost my present, Britt, if I wasn't so turned on right now I'd probably be laughing my ass off."

"I didn't lose it," I pouted as my fingertips brushed against the handle of the bag but it was just out of my reach. "It's just misplaced.."

"Yeah, of course." She replied through a breathy chuckle then dragged the heel of her foot up and down my back, pushing up the hem of my tshirt then made it fall back down, "Hm, I wonder what it could be.."

"Nope, no hints."

"Fine then." She huffed and withdrew her feet just as I was pulling out from under the bed with the smaller suitcase in hand. "Oh, it's in there huh?" She questioned as she sat up fully to sneak a peek.

"Hey, hey, lay back down. No peeking!" I shooed her away, my hands hovering over the opening of the suitcase to keep her from seeing past or trying to reach for it. She just laughed and held her hands up in defeat as she lay back down. I sat up on my knees and reached by her side for the gift box so I can make the transfer, for real this time. Once I snuck the gift into its rightful box as sneakily as I could without San seeing, I shut the lid and presented her the gift.

"You sure it's in there this time?" She teased as she sat up fully and quirked her brow up at me.

"Pretty sure" I nodded confidently as I matched the smirk she was donning, "If not, I really don't know how it keeps getting out..I mean, it's not like it's a part of a living thing yet."

"Wait, yet?" She questioned as she laid her hands flat against the lid of the box. "What the hell is in here?"

"How about you quit asking and open it up?" I giggled at seeing her cute confused pout. She let out a puff of air, her long bangs rustling to the side, then finally lifted the lid. I watched her facial expression intently as her hands dived into the box.

"Uhm..I'm pretty open to trying different things in bed, but I don't know about this one Britt." She replied skeptically as she lifted the glittery pink collar and fumbled with the clasp. "It might be a tiny bit too kinky for me..but I mean, if you're into it then I guess I could possibly-" I blinked at her rapidly trying to comprehend what she was saying but I couldn't hold myself together any longer and fell over on my side and just burst out laughing. "What the hell? What's so funny?" She questioned confusedly while I was laughing so hard that I couldn't even bring myself to answer just yet because I could hardly breathe!

"Babe, it's not for you to wear.." I giggled after finally catching my breath then flicked a stray tear from my eye. "Man, I forgot how funny you are," I sighed lovingly as I rolled over to my side and propped my head up on my hand. She tilted her head to the side with her eyes all narrowed then licked her lips and stared straight at me with this dumbfounded look.

"Wait, what?" She deadpanned and looked down at her lap where she was still fiddling with the collar still. "You don't want me to where this?"

", not really." I answered simply, my lips forming a tight smile, "Unless you want to..but really, it's not for you. Well, I mean, it's for you, well us, but it's not for you to, y'know, wear.." She stared at me for a long second before her lips parted like she was going to say something, but she shut them tight again as her brows furrowed in deep thought. It was adorable.

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