Chapter 13: Healing

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There's something about being in the arms of the one you love that gives you this sense of safety, security. It's like being trapped in those two tanned limbs could make me forget about everything else going wrong in the world, because right here, pressed against her warmth, nothing can hurt me. I'm indestructible because our love is strong and conquers all. Being in her arms and her being in mine, it's the safest place in the world.


Deathly screams rang out causing me to clench my eyes even tighter, bracing myself for the inevitable impact. My muscles tensed as I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth. I waited for the knife to pierce me, I waited for the pain, I waited for the blood, I waited for the lights in my head to fade, but nothing came.

"Oh God.." was mumbled loud enough to hear over the roar of the crowd and I just knew that it was meant for me. I was the closest to the knife, it had to be me; I must be so in shock that I'm having one of those out of body experiences.

Or maybe I was already dead and I was just watching everything else happen from above.

"Open your eyes," was whispered next, this voice a lot closer than the first and more familiar. In a sea of voices all shouting at once, I'd still be able to pick that voice out, and know exactly who was talking.

I did as I was told in hopes that maybe I was still alive or that I really did get stabbed and I was given a second chance to get Santana to safety. It's my duty to keep her safe, to protect her; I can't fail her now, not when she's got my heart tucked away right next to hers. If she goes, I have to go too!

"It doesn't hurt, San, it doesn't hurt." I mumbled mindlessly as my eyes darted from hers to the door. I sucked in a breath and wrapped my arm around her waist again, allowing her to put her weight on me despite my own injuries. She couldn't be in this room anymore; she had to get out of here now.

"It wasn't you," She managed to choke out. Tears streaked her cheeks as she reached for a fistful of my shirt. I looked down at her grip and realized that my torso wasn't soaked in blood. My heart raced as I felt around my body anxiously; waiting to bring my fingertips up to find them covered in blood, but nothing.

"Santana, watch out!" Jenna yelled and pulled the both of us out of the way as Jeremy wrestled a man to the floor with blunt force. I positioned myself in front of San while the two fumbled around on the ground, limps tangling and curses being yelled. Guards attempted to intervene but with Jeremy fuming and the attacker running on pure adrenaline, it was hard to break them up without the risk of being accidently stabbed.

There wasn't a way to move around the fight either; they were both sprawled out right between us and the exit. Again, we were at a standstill only this time we were stuck watching the horrifying sight of Jeremy risking his life.

It was an equal match; the man was taller than Jeremy but he was skinny. With all Jeremy's years of dance conditioning, his muscles were more developed than the attacker so the height difference shouldn't have affected the outcome.

Suddenly, Jeremy broke the vice grip and rolled the man on his back, his hands griping the guy's wrists and slamming their clasped hands against the floor hoping to unarm him. Just when I thought that Jeremy was in a good position, the man beneath him kicked his long legs up and overturned Jeremy causing him to lose his balance.

"Brittany!" Santana shrieked as I felt her hands leave my torso and move to protect the baby. I took another step back, pulling my arms behind me to keep Santana near, as Jeremy and the guy were brought back to their feet unbelievably close to us. Punches were exchanged, mostly from Jeremy's end, until another flood of guards stormed in and finally started to take better control of the situation. However, with one last energy burst the attacker was able to break free from the security just long enough to-

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