Chapter 6: Baby's Emotional

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"What the actual fuck is this?" I questioned as my arms crossed over my chest and my brows furrowed when I saw what the head of advertisment had been working on all week. All week, as in this is the only thing the department had been working on the whole freaking week! As I stared up at the finished product, I grew frustrated. I tried to think of something happy, Dr. Meyer suggested I do that when I started getting stressed, but every time I glanced up at what they had presented I'd get even more frustrated. "What the hell is that anyway? It looks like a deformed penis." I scoffed as I pointed up at the right corner where some weird shaped animal or space ship or whatever the hell it was supposed to be was pictured. I shook my head at the whole thing and let out an aggravated sigh.

"You said you wanted something modern.." The greasy haired man said nervously as he nudged his wire framed glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yeah, and this," I said gesturing up at the sorry excuse of an advertisement poster, "is a piece of crap. These colors are all wrong, they don't even match! My five year old nephew can pick a better color scheme than this. You realize what your department creates reflects on me and how I run things, right? Are you purposely trying to make me look like shit? We have a Grammy under our belt; we can't afford to be half assed." I scolded as I waved my hand in the air threateningly and paced the floor in front of him before turning sharply on my heels and set my hands on the arm rests of his chair and glared. "If I find out you're working for another company and you are purposely trying to ruin my label, I will go all Lima Heights on your sorry a-"

"Santana, can I talk to you for a sec?"

I looked over my shoulder with my brow raised with my hands still griping the arm rests. Standing in the doorway was a very displeased Kurt. He had his arms crossed over his ridiculously silky blazar and his foot was actually tapping at the floor in anticipation.

"I'm busy, Hummel." I grumbled and turned back to the quivering man and glared, "I'm dealing with a traitor." The man's eyes went wide and I swear I saw sweat drip down his hairline; it's nice being feared.

"Santana, Phil has worked here longer than you have. I don't think he's a traitor." Kurt sighed as he pushed off the threshold causing me to stand up straight, the slightest twinge of pain hitting me in my lower back for leaning over too long. "In dire need of a shower and some Head and Shoulders, maybe, but certainly not a traitor." I set my hand on my hip while my other rested on my belly as Kurt walked over to me and hooked his arm with mine.

"People change, offers can be made." I huffed and cut my eyes back towards the employee, "And he looks suspicious."

"Alright, you're coming with me." He snapped and hooked his arm with mine before tugging me out of the room and towards my office.

"What the hell, Kurt, you ruined my interrogation!"

He just cut his eyes at me and shook his head before going back to staring straight while he kept a firm grip on my arm as if I would try and escape him. I mean, I probably would but with this bun in the oven, even Kurt would be able to catch up to me and he runs out of breath from just walking up the stairs!

"Alright, inside, now." He commanded as he pressed his hand flat against the door and pushed it open, gesturing for me to go in. I kept my eyes narrowed on him as I followed his orders, wondering when the hell he grew a pair and felt it was okay to boss me around. Sure, he was the one that gave me this job in the first place, but we're partners. No one bosses anyone around.

Unless I want a fucking BLT, he will get that no questions asked or else I'll put the Snixx in SnixxJuice.

He shut the door behind him as I sat down at my desk and looked around to see that Jenna was actually not in the room which was a first. He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at me; at first with this somewhat menacing look that didn't have me the least bit frightened, but then his shitty attempt at a glower turned to a sad smile.

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