Season's Unexpected Greetings Pt.3

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"Wait, what do you mean he's gone?" I asked slowly, trying to keep the sadness from my voice. Cindy could only give a small, apologetic smile in return, "I don't get it, we were just here yesterday though. No one was even considering him." Dyl heard another bark in the distance and whipped his head around in that direction.

"Doggy?" He asked cutely and tried tugging on my scarf so I'd look down at him. I remained staring at Cindy though, unable to process what she had told me.

"I'm really sorry, Brittany, we tried to keep him as long as we could." Cindy shrugged then motioned to the doors of the new editions as she liked to call them, "You could visit some oth-"

"No, no that's okay." I answered, switching Dylan from one arm to the other, "We just wanted to see him before Christmas, but..yeah, we're just going to head back home."

"Doggy?" Dyl whimpered sadly.

"Not today, baby." I replied apologetically. I slowly turned away from Cindy, a couple more attempts of her trying to apologize before Dyl and I made our ways back outside. It wasn't Cindy's fault so I knew I wasn't mad, she was only doing her job and I knew that this could happen. I guess I was more surprised that it actually did before I even had the chance to talk about it with Santana.

"I don't understand why I have to wear this.." I heard San grumble from the walk-in closet of our bedroom. I tried to keep the smile on my lips from growing any wider, but when she waltzed out in one of the ugliest sweaters I've ever seen in my whole life, I couldn't contain myself. Mismatched patches of Christmas trees, dancing Santas, gift wrapped boxes, and sparkling ornaments littered the red thick knit sweater and matched perfectly with her tight black leather pants; leave it to San to pair her ugly sweater with skin tight pants. "Why can't I wear what I was wearing out earlier?" She asked as her hands fiddled with the hem while she scowled at the design.

"Where did you go earlier anyway?" I questioned as I watched her continue to stare at her sweater, "You were gone before I woke up, didn't even say bye or nothing..rude."

"Awh, I'm sorry..let me out of this hideous sweater and I'll make it up to you?"

"Nice try, but no." I giggled at the way she tried to be all sultry when it looked like Christmas threw up on her.

"Ugh! Fine, then I'm not telling you where I went." She huffed before looking back up at me and pouted, "Stop laughing, I look horrible!"

"Babe, that's the point!" I teased, scooting to the edge of the bed then pushing up off of it, "It's an ugly sweater party.." She just rolled her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, the movement triggering one of the light bulbs in her sweater to start flashing and catch my attention, "Ooh, look it lights up!"

"Oh hell no, I'm definitely not wearing this."

I just stared back, brow quirked and my lips pressed tightly together, as I watched her stance on her outfit slowly waver the longer I eyed her.

"Well..I'm not wearing it to the mall too." She corrected herself before spinning off to head into the closet.

"Awh, come on..where's your Christmas spirit?" I laughed, reaching out to tug her back to me by pinching the baggy material of her sweater. She spun around casually, arms still folded, and looked to me with a lifted brow.

"Pretty sure it ran off at the sight of this busted ass sweater.."

"It's really not that bad, San." I sighed and wiggled my fingers between her folded up arms to break them apart so I could get a better view, "I think it's super cute and totally hot!"

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