Chapter 15: Dylan Luke Pierce-Lopez

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"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!"

"Brittany, stop, you're making me nervous."

"I'm making you nervous? You're not due for another six days! You're making me nervous! Are you sure you didn't just pee on accident? You've done that before.."

"I know what my pee looks like and that isn't it!"

"Okay, just-are you sure?"

"Holy fucking shit!" San cried as she grabbed her side and took a seat at the edge of the bed. I rushed over and fell to my knees as I cradled her hands in mine. She looked down at me, face scrunched in pain, "We need to go, we need to go now."

Nodding, I ran to get my phone and punched in a number.

"Operation Baby-Evac is officially a go," I yelled into the phone as I kept it wedged between my ear and shoulder and attempted to hastily grab for the bags I already prepared.

"Oh my God, are you serious? It's happening now? Are you sure?" Quinn asked her voice hitting that high pitched tone it does when she's excited. I looked over my shoulder to San sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs parted and her hands griping her stomach as she tried to remember her breathing techniques.

"Uh yeah, I'm pretty sure. Would you like to speak to her to double check?" I asked innocently and started towards Santana who in turn tried slapping the phone out of my hand which she failed at doing because another contraction hit her.

"Brittany, get that fucking thing away from me and get me to the hospital right now!" She growled as her face scrunched in pain again as another contraction hit her.

With wide eyes, I whipped back around and slung the prepped bag over my shoulder, "Sorry, she doesn't want to speak with you at the moment. Meet us at the hospital?"

"I'll be there!"

I slipped the phone back in my pocket and began scrambling around for the car keys. I listened to the groans and high pitched shrieks as I upturned our bedroom looking for the keys. I did a mental check list; got the bag, got the phone, got the keys, lights are off, alarm is on, stove is off. After making sure I had everything we could possibly need and then some, I jetted out the front door.

I couldn't believe how quickly it all happened, one minute we were so close to Uno then the next she's going into labor! And she's early at that! My heart raced as I ran to the elevator, my mind blurring as I thought of everything that was about to happen, how the next time we come home there'll be three of us instead of two. Nine months of waiting and prepping is all about to be so worth it.

I got about mid button push for the elevator when I realized I was about one less baby mama.

"Should I drive myself there too or?" San whimpered as we nearly collided on my sprint back to the front door. She had one hand cradling her belly while the other steadied herself on the door frame.

"I'm so sorry, honey, I was in the zone." I slipped my arm around her waist and let her hang her arm around my shoulders as I helped her wobble towards the opened elevator.

"God, Britt, I feel like he's trying to claw out of me!" She grumbled as we situated ourselves in the car and she braced herself on the arm rest, huffing out puffs of air.

"Well babies are born with fingernails so it's a high possibility," I answered seriously as I checked my mirrors and backed out. As I turned my head back around, I caught her staring at me with a look of pure annoyance mixed with adoration, "What? I read about it.."

She just rolled her eyes at me while she tried to keep the smile playing at her lips from getting too big and pressed her palms to her belly. I snickered at her failed attempt to be grumpy and reached for her hand over the middle console and kissed the back of it.

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