Chapter 11: Good Intentions

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2 Weeks Later;

After our awesome little getaway up in the mountains, it was back to work for us. Well, mostly for me. Ever since I had left to choreograph that music video for Beyonce, which by the way got almost 8 million hits within the first hour it was uploaded, San rarely goes into work unless she's coming to visit me. I don't know the whole story behind what happened while I was away but Kurt has been very strict with the amount of hours San works a week to the point that he has guards near her office just incase she tries to sneak in.

It was nice getting back to work though; there's nothing like a little dancing to stretch out your muscles after a short time spent being lazy. I wasn't surprised to find that everything was running just as smoothly when I came back, Jeremy does well with keeping things straight when I'm not there. However, with Mercedes's tour going into full swing I've had to send Jeremy, along with a small group of dancers, on the tour as well. I would've gone, but not with Santana being as pregnant as she is and how the tour is practically the whole summer long.

So for the past couple weeks, I've been pretty much running the studio alone and I didn't realize how much of a big help Jeremy was now that he's gone temporarily. I have definitely not missed working without an assistant, that's for sure! Much to Santana's dislike, I've had to go back to working my usual crazy hours which sucks because we're so close to the due date and I can tell she's getting nervous. It's a good thing setting up the nursery is enough to distract her, at least while I'm at work, for the meantime though.

After a long day at work, finally coming home was such a good feeling. I couldn't wait to kick my shoes off and just relax on the couch or something and that's coming from someone who's constantly energized. Unlocking the door and tossing my duffle bag in the hallway closet, I called out, "Honey, I'm home!" as I walked through the seemingly empty living room. My brows furrowed as I walked towards the opposite end of the floor, following the muffled sound of what might be San's voice.

"San?" I called out again before nudging the door of the halfway finished nursery open to find her busying herself with stacking onesies.

Okay, oh baby
I be stuck to you like glue baby
Wanna spend it all on you baby
My room is the g-spot
Call me Mr. Flintstone
I can make your bedrock

I pressed my lips tightly together as I leaned up against the doorway trying not to laugh at how cute Santana trying to rap sounded. She obviously hadn't sensed I was standing there yet because she kept on rapping, swaying her hips as she bent over to pick up another stack of baby clothes, rolling her body, before throwing up her hands comically.

Okay, I get it, let me think, I guess it's my turn
Maybe it's time to put this pus-

"Babe!" I scolded, crossing my arms over my chest and startling her a little to where she actually jumped and hid behind a stuffed bear, "Language."

"I-uhm-yeah.." San pouted, her cheeks flushing as she slowly set down the bear, "Sorry, it's just been stuck in my head all day, I can't help it. I didn't-"

"Choose the thug life, the thug life choose me. I know," I finished robotically and walked the short distance to where she was standing.

"Uhh, not what I was going to say but that works too!" She giggled cutely, setting down the last of the onesies aside then turned to me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "How was work?"

"Uhhh, you know.." I drawled out as I spun away from her to help fold the rest of the baby clothes then shrugged, "Tiring, at least Jeremy will be back in the next couple of weeks so I won't be spread so thin and I can help out more in here." I looked around at the half finished nursery and sighed, "We've still got two more boxes of stuff from the baby shower to put away, but at least the crib is up finally and the rocking chair is where it needs to be." San let her eyes wander around the room too with her hands tucked under her belly and nodded.

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