Season's Unexpected Greetings Pt. 2

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Feeling the sheets wrapped around my legs being tugged, I lazily rolled along with it until I was pressed against warm flesh and a familiar shampoo scent filled my senses. Keeping my eyes closed and my lips pulling into a dopy smile, I let out a content hum and nuzzled into brunette locks.

"You know, babe, when I pull on those it means share," San chuckled, her voice extra raspy from sleep, "Not roll over on them even more."

"Shh, body heat is better," I teased, shuffling closer to her body and wrapping my legs around hers too. She just giggled even more then let herself relax against me. Still yet to have opened my eyes, I move to dancing my fingers up and down her spine, loving the feel of her exposed skin beneath my fingertips. She hummed cutely as my fingers dipped lower, "What time is it?"

"Early enough," She answered cockily making me peek down at her, surprised. She smiled cheekily as she looked up, her dazzling brown eyes filling with mischief, then pressed her pouty lips to my collar bone. She laid slow, wet kisses to my milky skin, moving her lips higher and higher up my neck, as her hand traveled up between our bodies and pressed flat against my abs. "Mm, Brittany.." She hummed as she raked her blunt nails down my stomach while her lips met my jaw. I sucked in a shuddering breath at the sound of her calling my name, my sore muscles tensing under her touch.

"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing that," I sighed, turning my head slightly to catch her lips before she went into another jaw line kiss. I felt her smile as our mouths molded into each other's and her hand pressing against my stomach moved up to cup my chest. "You'd think I would've worn you out last night.." I smirked when she threw her leg over the both of mine and nudged me to roll over on my back fully as she started to straddle me, "Guess not."

"Shh, I'm trying to get my mack on before the kid wakes up." She teased then grinded down a little on my midsection making herself groan quietly. Smirking, I glanced over at the alarm clock on the night stand and upon seeing the time; I shake my head at how her early isn't exactly the same as mine. But when there's a naked Santana straddling your waist and starting a slow paced grind against your abs, her messy hair falling over her shoulders and cover her chest as she bounces, you can't really say no to Uno, even if that means we've only got an hour. Setting my weight on my right elbow, I rise up and wrap my free arm around her hips, our chests pressing flush, before grinning lovingly up at her.

"Challenge accepted."

"Well, that didn't go as planned." San muttered as we scrambled around my old bedroom at my parents' house for an appropriate outfit. Our clothes from last night's Christmas party littered the floor, mixing with our clean clothes and messy suitcases.

With our busy schedule and all the time we have to split for each of our families and friends, San and I decided to take Dylan with us out to Ohio to visit with our parents so we could have Christmas day to ourselves. We planned to stay at my parents' house for the week like we always do then visit San's parents for dinner, they were actually going on a cruise this Christmas and leaving the same day we were flying back to New York.

In all the excitement, and much alcohol intake, San and I had excused ourselves from the party my parents' threw last night saying we had to put Dylan to bed when really we just wanted to get it on. I'm pretty sure a couple people caught on, or at least Bryce did, because when Santana wants it she wantz it now and who am I to deny my super smoking hot wife sexy times?

Somewhere between last night's activities and this morning's, we sort of overslept and missed Dylan calling for us when he woke up.

"We chose sex over our son, B, we're such bad parents!" San confessed, shaking her head, as I tossed her a sweater and she threw me a pair of jeans.

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