Chapter 10: First Anniversary

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"Pssssst..wake up."

"Mm..too early."

"That's the point, we've got to beat the traffic if we wanna get there on time.."

"Mm-mm, sleepy."

I stifled a defeated sigh as San burrowed further into my side then tangled her legs with mine signaling she was not budging from this position anytime soon. I couldn't really understand why she was still sleepy when that was my third time trying to wake her up in the last hour. I let her sleep while I woke up extra early, really it was only 30 minutes earlier than usual, so that I could pack the SUV and pick up some breakfast for her when she's ready, but she's still not having it.

"Fine," I sighed shaking my head at her cute little muffled snores as she tightened her arm around my waist, "You get 15 more minutes and that's it; I'll throw you over my shoulder and carry you out if I have to."

15 minutes ended up being 30 because at some point between scrolling through San's Twitter feed laughing at all the crazy things fans were saying about her and those circular patterns I was drawing on her belly, I fell asleep.

"Britt, you awake?" I heard San ask, her voice still thick with sleep.

"Mmm..mhm." I hummed and began blinking away the blurriness until I was able to focus down on a brightly smiling Santana. I quirked my brow up at her as I rubbed my eyes with a balled fist while she continued to grin up affectionately. "What? Is my hair sticking up?" I giggled groggily and started trying to pat down any fly aways, but she just laughed and shook her head.

"Come here." She beckoned me with her finger, causing me to follow her as she rolled over on her back and smirked.

"Yes my dea-" I couldn't even get the last word out before she was lacing her fingers through my hair and tugging me to her lips, crashing into mine and moved with such practice like kissing me was the simplest thing in the world, the easiest, she could do it in her sleep; which she totally has done by the way.

"Happy Anniversary." She mumbled as she pulled away from the deep kiss far enough so I could stare into dark brown orbs, cheeks all bunched as she smiled then leaned in for another quick peck.

"Happy Anniversary too." I giggled, brushing away her bangs from her eyes, then wiggled down to press a kiss to her tummy just in time to feel a tiny little nudge against her skin, "Oh, and good morning to you too." I teased as I smoothed my hands over her belly reveling in the feel of our son bouncing around in his squishy waterbed. We shared a soft smile as we watched the movements, her hands moving to overlap mine as I kept my hands on her stomach feeling the delicate greetings from our boy.

After getting San freshly showered and dressed, we were both having a quick breakfast, which for the first time was actual food and not the other kind of breakfast. It was equally satisfying though. Once we double checked that I hadn't left anything behind accidently, the two of us were heading out to the car. At first I thought she was being strangely quiet because it was still kind of early for her, but once we got into the car, I realized she was just prepping her string of questions for me.

"So where are we going?"

"I told you already, I'm not telling."

"Why not?"

"Because it won't be a surprise anymore."

"I can pretend to be surprised.."

I cut my eyes to her, trying my hardest not to smile but the way she was nibbling on her slushie straw, head tilted to me slightly and batting her eyelashes innocently was just too cute to resist. My lips parted as if I was actually going to tell her, but I quickly sighed instead and reached over to entwine our hands.

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