Chapter 7: Sister Sister

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Couple Days Later;

"Aunt Tana?"


"Uhm.." Mason hummed like he was trying to decide the best way of saying whatever it was he was trying to say. I've noticed he really thinks before he speaks, sometimes he thinks about it too long and he straight up forgets what he was going to say and just goes back to playing. It's kind of cute.

He drawls out another uhm as he climbs up next to me on the couch then settles on his knees and cocks his head at me then at my belly then back up at me.

"What've you got hidin' in there?" He asked as he placed his hands on his knees and stares up at me. I wanted to laugh at how cute he was being, but decided I probably shouldn't since he might think I'm laughing at him rather than at how adorable he is. I've noticed he's a pretty sensitive kid too, he's very careful of everyone's feelings for someone as young as he is.

"I'm not hiding anything, that's my stomach." I replied through a smile and ruffle his dark brown hair. "See?" I rolled up the bottom hem of my shirt revealing my skin then looked up to see him still looking at it in confusion.

"But why's it so round? Mommy's isn't like that." He stated as he did a signature Lopez eyebrow quirk. His lips pursed before he looked down at my belly again but this time with his eyes squint.

"Well, it's because I'm pregnant." I answered softly then rolled my shirt back over the top of my stomach, "There's a baby growing in there." He perked up quickly and stared back up at me with wide, amazed, eyes.

"Nuh-uhh.." He gasped cutely with his jaw dropped a bit. I nodded in response, trying to keep from pinching his chubby cheeks. "Get them outta there!" He bounced excitedly with one of the biggest grins I'd ever seen plastered on his face.

"I can't just yet, Mas, they're not done growing." I chuckled and watched as he slowly stopped bouncing and started to pout again.

"But I wanna say hi to her.." He mumbled sadly and stared squeezing at his knees nervously.

"She is actually a he." I grinned but he looked up at me like he didn't understand what I was trying to say. I picked up my hand that I had resting on my stomach and pointed a finger down at my belly button. "The baby 's a boy, just like you." He tilted his head to the side then formed his lips in an 'o' shape. "You can still say hi if you want to though, come here." I opened up my arm and gestured for him to scoot in closer to me so that his side was slightly pressed into mine. "Let me see your hands." I said softly and held out my own until he laid his gently down into mine. I placed them on my belly and moved them around to wear the baby was currently kicking and watched as his eyes grew wide once again.

"It feels funny." He giggled and sprawled out his fingers so he could feel all the movements against his tiny palms.

"It does, huh?" I smirked and listened to his innocent ramblings about how he and the baby will have so much fun when he gets here and how he'll be the best cousin ever. It was such a cute thing to watch and it really made me wish Britt was here to witness too.

"You sure he can't come out now?" Mas asked skeptically a few minutes later. "I think he wants to play.." I was just about to answer him when Cassie came from around the couch with a plate of fresh baked cookies in her hands and a smirk curling on her lips.

"I think Auntie Britt would be pretty sad if baby boy decided to come out and play when she's not here yet, Mas." She said as she placed the plate on the coffee table and sat on the other side of Mason.

"Mhm, she's right. Auntie Britt would be so sad she missed it." I nodded along with Cassie. The boy pouted again but the sadness was soon forgotten when his mom handed him a chocolate chip cookie.

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