Chapter 8: Welcome Home

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"Hey San?"

"Yeah Britt?"

"Do you think it's weird that I can tell I'm in a different state because the air smells different?" I questioned as wedged my phone between my shoulder and ear so I could triple check when I'd have to be at the next gate. For some reason, the layover in Philly was an hour and a half rather than just a half an hour like last time. I was really starting to get anxious about getting home and this layover was definitely marshing my mellows. Then again, I did have to wait an extra three last time because of the thunderstorms so maybe I should be thankful that it's currently sunny outside.

"Hmm, yeah that is a tad bit strange but I still love you anyway." Santana replied through a giggle. I had been calling her every 15 minutes it seemed just to tell her where I was or what airport task I had just completed. I was starting to get a little worried that maybe I was annoying her with all my calls, but then I realized after she'd call to remind me not to leave behind my carryon bag or not to say Hi to anyone named Jack that she was also really excited about me coming home too! "So around what time do you think you'll be home?"

"Well.." I drawled out as I stretched out my slouched against the bench so I could stretch out my legs, "Whenever you and Cassie decide to pick me up probably."


"I'm just kidding," I giggled at hearing her groan then flicked open my little booklet that I had resting in my lap and looked it over, "My itinerary says I'll be getting in around 7:45pm."

"Ohh, okay. So I'll tell Cassie we'll head over around 7."

"Or like 7:30," I suggested, "7 seems kind of early, doesn't it?"

"Hmm, maybe 7:05 then."

"Or maybe 7:30," I chuckled, "Even if you're there at 6, I still won't be there until 7:45 at the earliest."

"Okay.." San sighed then there was a short pause, "So what you're saying is we should probably get there around 7:15?" I just laughed and shook my head at the ground. This was one of those disagreements I was just not going to win.

"Yeah baby, 7:15 is fine." I smirked wishing I could just kiss her for sounding so cute, "You know, if you guys come any earlier I just might think you're really excited to see me or something crazy like that.."

"Huh, really? Well we wouldn't want that now, would we? Maybe you should just take a cab home instead." She answered and to any other ears you'd think she was being serious, but to me, even over the phone, I could tell when she was being sarcastic. Besides, I know for a fact she's missed me too much to let me cab it home. If she could, she'd probably find a way to stop the plane just as it touches down and have the pilot open up the escape ladder or something so she could see me faster, she's misses me that much.

"I could totally do that," I replied just as simply, playing along with her little act, "Do you think they'd let me ride for free because I've worked with Beyonce now? I think they should.."

"Try it and see what happens."

"Okay, I will!"


Then there was a long pause where I wasn't sure if she was waiting for me to keep it going or what, but my decision to speak up was made for me when she replied instead.

"Soo..I'll be there at 7:15 to take you home?"

"Definitely." I answered happily and checked my phone quickly for the time seeing that I should probably head towards my gate now. "San, I've got to get going. I need to focus on these signs so I don't get lost."

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