Season's Unexpected Greetings Pt. 1

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*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

At first, I didn't move. I couldn't decide if I was just hearing things or what, but I was willing to sleep through it if it's not persistent. Living with a one year old baby boy, you learn to treasure your sleep. I waited silently, not even bothering to open my eyes, for the sound again but after a couple minutes, nothing.

Smiling because it was probably the ghetto apartment plumbing trying to creep me out again, well not really ghetto since this is the penthouse suite but still shit can get real during the winter, I snuggle in closer to Britt. She let out a puff of air when I tried tugging back the blankets, somehow she always manages to tangle herself up leaving me with like one leg covered but whatever. Even after giving one hard tug for the blankets, she doesn't wake. Somewhere in her deep slumber, I think she sensed my need for warmth as she rolls from her stomach to her side then lets her arm drape over my waist.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

I was about two seconds from falling back asleep when the sound came again, this time a little clearer.

Someone's knocking on the door.

Squinting an eye and tilting my head in the direction of the alarm clock on the night stand, I let out a frustrated groan.

It's 2:34am, what the fuck.

Who the hell knocks on the door in the middle of the night sounding like they're the damn police? Oh shit, what if it is the police? Have I done anything illegal lately? Of course not! I'm a married woman and a mother, that part of my life is over with.

It was over with when I met Britt.

Well, it was on for like two minutes that one time when that asshole Johnny Riggers talked badly of the latest music video Britt choreographed but that was it! There's no proof that I slashed that fucker's tires, I even swiped Rachel's gold star dazzled gloves and wore them when I did it. So if they're looking for anyone, it should be her!

Or what if it's a burglar? What if he wants to steal our new tv? Or Dylan's cool new night light fish tank thing his Aunty Q got him? Oh, Dyl would be so pissed, he loves that thing! Or like, what if it's a creepy salesman that's trying to kidnap me? Kidnap Dylan? What if it's someone dangerous?

"Britt.." I whispered and started nudging my wife as I rolled over to face her. She scrunched her nose and nuzzled deeper in her pillow while she tightened her hold around me. I really hated disturbing her sleep, she needs her rest way more than I do with all her physical activities she does throughout the day, but this was serious! Also, though I'll never say it aloud to anyone, when it comes to having to physically fight someone, Britt's definitely got me beat. She's just so tall and strong and she looks so hot when she's angry. I mean, I can throw a good punch but there's nothing quite like Brittany in defense mode. Something about her makes me feel so protected, it might have something to do with how she reacted at Mercedes's last show last year.

"Babe, wake up.." I shook her a little harder and whispered a little louder. This time, she grumbled and picked her head up to look at me.

"Wha'swrong?" She asks sleepily, her voice all raspy and cute and sexy and-wait, there's a burglar, focus!

"There's someone knocking on the door." I replied quietly, "I think it's a robber."

She kept her eyes closed as she smiled then cleared her throat, "I don't think robbers would knock, San.."

I didn't think about that, but still, it could be someone dangerous! Only sketchy people knock on people's doors in the middle of the night! I've seen horror movies! I know!

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