Chapter 4 - Missed Calls

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"Saaaan!" I called as I propped my arms up on the edge of our bath tub before setting my chin over top. "Hurry up, the water is losing its hotness!" We had just come back from work, another long day, well long for me, not for San since she left for home early, and we just wanted a nice night in to relax. It was Santana's idea to start up a bath; she had called me while I was on my way home to remind me to pick up her vitamins and asked if I wanted her to get a bath ready. I was totally down for it, but when I agreed, I thought she was included in this bath, not me sitting in here alone for the past eight minutes. Baths aren't really fun when you're alone.

"Are you still in the tub?" I heard her ask from somewhere in the bedroom. I quirked my brow and looked down at myself, half my body still submerged in soapy water, then shrugged before looking out at the opened door.

"Uhm, yeah?"

"Then I don't think the water has lost its...hotness." I rolled my eyes at hearing her cocky tone, giggling softly until she presented herself at the door of the bathroom with a proud smirk pasted on her face. "You rollin' your eyes at me, woman?" She huffed, crossing her arms over her fluffy white robe. I eyed her carefully trying to see whether she was joking or if I really just set her off; that's become sort of an issue now since her hormones have her all over the place sometimes. Thankfully, she gave herself away by snickering.

"Get naked and come over here already." I demanded, my lips curling into a mischievous grin before nodding her over with the flick of my chin. She raised her brow at me and took her bottom lip between her teeth before smirking and slipped the robe off her shoulders, letting it pool at her ankles.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." She teased and moved towards the tub. I leaned back and held my hands up to her so she could ease herself in without slipping. She took them gratefully and dipped one leg into the tub then brought the other in slowly. I spread my legs a little so that she could wiggle in the space between them then lay back against my chest. As soon as she settled in, I wrapped my arms around her, setting my hands atop her growing belly, while hers rested on my knees and we just sat there content in each other's company.

"I like this." I hummed as I set my chin on her shoulder and leaned my head over until it was resting against hers.

"Me too." She sighed as she ran her hands from the tops of my knees down my shins then back up again, repeating the process a couple of times. It was such a calming thing that I could probably fall asleep right in this tub to her doing that. "How was work? Busy?"

I let out a breathy laugh as I rolled my head back against the tub, "Yeah, who knew filling in for a dancer at the Grammy's would cause such a spike in people wanting to work with me." She leaned further into me, resting her head back against my shoulder then tilted her chin up as the backs of her fingers grazed my jaw line.

"I knew." She grinned proudly, "You're so talented, babe, everyone wants a piece of you. People would be crazy not to want to work with you." I felt my cheeks flushing at hearing her speak so highly of me, it's crazy that at one point, before things really started picking up, I didn't think of myself as anything special. I had it engraved in my head that I was just another dancer, that though I've always been told how great I am, I'd never be successful; I'd never get my big break.

But I was so very wrong. I did make it and to know that I pretty much started from the bottom makes success taste so much sweeter.

"Thanks," I replied through a toothy smile before turning my head just a tad to press my lips to her forehead. She shrugged her shoulders casually as she cupped some water in her hands and poured it over her belly and watched the droplets roll off the sides. I moved my hands away from her tummy so I could pull her hair to the side and drape it over her shoulder then smoothed my hands down her shoulder blade.

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