Help From An Unlikely Source

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On the country lands of North City.

Where Raditz's spaceship was located.

Raditz arrived with Gohan in his grasp still.

Raditz: Heh. If this won't get your daddy dearest on a killing spree, nothing will."

Gohan then replied with a question: Why are you like this uncle Raditz?"

Raditz looked down at the child before he dropped him on the ground: What are you talking about brat?"

Gohan dusted himself off and said: Why are you like this? Like some....Barbarian?"

Raditz cackled lightly: Because I am a Saiyan. Don't you get it my little nephew? If not then allow me to explain."

Raditz explained to Gohan about the Saiyans.

How they were planet conquerors.

How they would destroy planets for kicks and then sell them to the highest bidder.

Hearing this, Gohan then said: But, you mentioned that there are only 3 of you right? And adding my daddy that makes 4. Why not let go of this nature for a better life? A life that can preserve your race? What's left of it anyways."

Raditz opened his mouth.

But nothing came out.

This kid had a point. In a way.

But what did he mean by preserving the Saiyan race?

And preserving it with who?

The Humans?


Yeah right!

As if He-or even Prince Vegeta would EVER agree to do something like that!

Raditz then said: You don't understand. You are just a child. What do you know about being a Saiyan? Or its hardships? What do you know about the thrill we have to see people cower before our presence?"

Gohan opened his mouth.

And saw that Raditz had a point.

It was 1-1 now.

Gohan nor his father, NEVER knew what it was like to be Saiyans.

But they knew that what Raditz, or the Saiyans were doing, was indeed wrong.

He then said: But don't you get tired of that? Don't you want those to look up to you? Who sees you as a savior sent from above to protect them?"

Raditz: Protector of the weak and the helpless?! HAHAHAHAHA! You crack me up kid! I rather die by the hands of my brother, Nappa, or even Prince Vegeta than become what you just suggested!"

Gohan: Then you leave my daddy no choice then. He'll come for me. You'll see. And when he does, he's gonna kick your.....Am I allowed to say Monkey butt?"

That placed a tick mark on Raditz's head. He shot a glare at the kid and said: Just for that, you're getting a timeout in my space pod!"

Gohan looked at him and said:.....Oh Poop."

Meanwhile, Piccolo and Goku were seen in the air.

Flying towards Raditz's direction.

He was on his nimbus as Piccolo flew beside him.

Thankfully, Gohan's hat had the 4 star Dragon Ball.

So using the dragon radar would help Piccolo and Goku find them easily.

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