Who is She?

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With Krillin, he gathered all the Z fighters. And then they arrived at the rocky plains, where Piccolo saw Frieza's ship in plain view.

"He's here!" Piccolo roared, "Everyone take cover now until Gohan arrives!"

Gohan had yet to arrive, and the Z fighters hid in the rocks and clefts as Frieza's ship landed. And when it landed, Frieza, came out of the ship. And with him was his father and the new "Frieza Force" as Frieza called them.

"So this is earth eh?" Frieza said as he looked around. "More like planet dirt if you ask me" Now Frieza was seen with mechanical parts. His energy had increased greatly since his fight on Namek.

"So, this is where this Super Saiyan lives? This is what ye fights for? What he cherishes?" Asked Frieza's father. Whose name was King Cold.

"1 of them yes. But I sense that both of them will be arriving here. And when they do, I am going to make them suffer for what they did to me! And then, I will make this entire planet suffer before destroying it!"

"Could we not just destroy it now?" Asked King Cold

"No Father. I want them to see and watch before they close their eyes. Both that Goku and Vegeta, they will watching with their dying breaths as I destroy this pathetic planet"

"That's going to be a problem" Said a woman's voice.

She stood in front of Frieza and his men and father.

She had to be no more than 17.


Her attire was black loose pants, a tank top that was over layered by a blue crop top jacket that had the Capsule Corp logo on it.

Fair skin this woman was, with blue stern eyes and purplish like hair that was in a spiky bowl cut. Also she carried a sword with her.

Frieza looked at this girl and said to her, "Oh look father, one of the insects has come do die 1st"

"The only one dying 1st, is you, Frieza"

Frieza quirked a brow.

How did this girl know his name?

Was it possible that his name was known on this planet?

He could only wonder.

Gohan had yet to arrive yet.

And it seemed from the Z-Fighters perspective, that this girl was about to be the 1st to get a taste of Frieza's wrath.

That perspective quickly changed when this girl not only took out Frieza's men.

But to their shock.

And to Frieza's shock.

This girl transformed into a Super-Saiyan!


'What the? I sense a tremendous energy. And it's stronger than Frieza! I wonder who this energy belongs to?' Gohan was seen flying in the air when he sensed an unknown power that was stronger than Frieza's, Vegeta's, and even his father's.

That was impossible. Unless this individual was a Saiyan. He DOUBT THAT. There was no way-zero-none, that an earthling could be as strong as a saiyan. Or as strong as Piccolo for that matter. To find out who this person was Gohan transformed. He flew as fast as a jet towards the beginning battle between Frieza and Whoever this was.

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