Vegeta and Nappa Vs Krillin and Piccolo: Enter the Ginyu Force

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With Krillin and Piccolo, they managed to hold their own against Nappa and Vegeta.

Which shocked the Saiyan duo.

As they continued their fight with energy attacks, hand to hand, and all in between, Nappa paused. He saw 5 spaceships coming out of orbit and into view.

Nappa said: Hold it! I hate to cut this battle short, but we got company Vegeta! It seems that Frieza sent the Ginyu Force here to Namek! And If they're here, then you know who's coming!"

This was not what Vegeta had planned. He was not intending Frieza to find out so soon. But Qui Qui. Curse him. Not only did they have to deal with the Namekian and the Earthling. Now they had to deal with the Ginyu Force and Frieza himself. And Vegeta knew that he wouldn't stand a chance against Frieza. Unless..... He could become a Super Saiyan before Frieza arrived.

If he could, he could beat Frieza then. And besides the other pest, Kakarot. Then he and Nappa could go to earth and get the dragon balls on earth- Okay, Vegeta was getting WAY too ahead of himself. The here and now was most important. And that consisted of making a Temporary alliance with their enemies. If they wanted any chance against the Ginyu Force.


Vegeta said to Piccolo and Krillin: Listen. I know what Nappa and I have done is wrong and we must face our shared judgement. However, you need us as well as we need you to take down the Ginyu Force. And maybe even.....Frieza."

Krillin:...Frieza...*Gasp*I know that name! That's the person Raditz mentioned before he attacked Goku!"

Piccolo: And from the sounds of it, he sounds like a real problem. Besides those 5 space pods that landed on Namek. I personally can handle all 5 of them. But, considering that strength has nothing to do with strategy, I suppose we CAN....WORK TOGETHER. But any sign or feeling of betrayal out of either one of you, and I will end your lives. Got it?"

Vegeta and Nappa nodded. They got ready for the 5 Members of the Ginyu Force to arrive at the playing field. And when they did....Not only did they do their poses... But it seemed that Piccolo was right about strength not being able to outdo strategy.

Guildo, the first one to go up against them, used Telekinesis to keep them in place. However it didn't work as well on Piccolo as it did on Krillin and Nappa and Vegeta. Piccolo was able to kill the 3 eyed alien member of the Ginyu force.

Then came up Reccome. Who easily decimated Nappa and then found himself fighting a full powered and enraged Vegeta. Albeit he took immense damage, with Piccolo's help, Vegeta was able to kill Reccome.


Jeice looked at Ginyu and said: This is insane. How can a Namek and a Saiyan be able to take down Both Reccome and Guildo? Especially when he took out Nappa?"

Vegeta: Tch. Nappa is only the second strongest Sayian. And a noble one at that. However, you're facing the prince of all saiyans. Vegeta."

Burter smiled at that and said to Vegeta: Is that right prince? Yet you and Nappa needed help from a mortal and a Namekian to stand up against our ranks. And judging from those fights, the Namekian seemed to have done all the work. However, I'm afraid that your team up has expired. For now, you all are up against me....Burter. The Fastest in the universe. I hope you boys said your prayers."

Krillin gulped as he and The Prince and the Namekian readied themselves for this so-called "Fastest In The Universe."


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