Tension Towards Wannabes

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Inside a hovership, we see Gohan and Hayden in cuffs.

Opposite to teams: RWBY and JNORQ. Who weren't.

They were seen riding inside another hover ship with Ironwood and Winter.

"This is all your fault Hayden" Gohan muttered to his younger brother, glaring at him.

"Hey, they're the ones who started it by saying they were the good guys" Hayden retorted, avoiding his brother's glare. "You and I both know that ain't true because they were not even trying to help the other bystanders who were screaming in terror while most of them were eaten alive by those weird looking monsters. And those soldiers ain't no better. Instead of arresting us they should be arresting them"

"To be honest, they were going to. However, Weiss I believe that's her name, has an older sister who seems to be the vice commander of whatever these troops are"

"Yeah? Well guess what? I don't care." Hayden broke out of his cuffs.

Then he made his way towards the back door of the ship.

Ready to blast off the doors.

Despite Gohan telling him not to do it.

"Destroy that ship that has my fellow soldiers on it, and you will do the time for it." Ironwood's voice came through an intercom.

Hayden smiled and replied, "Good luck with that last part."

His palm began to form a Ki blast.

Which he aimed at the door.

"Hayden, you and I both know that mom and dad would not approve of this behavior. Mom especially. So try to calm down. I promise, When we get to wherever we're going, I'll explain everything to the guy in charge. For now, just play it cool. Okay?"

"Better listen to your brother child, unless you want to become our enemy, rather than our ally"

Hayden scowled.

Then he sighed and placed his opened hand down and sat back down.

He crossed his arms and muttered to himself.

"Thanks little Brother" Said Gohan

"Spare me of the brotherly moment will ya? Just keep your end of the deal and handle the trash who call themselves, human beings." Hayden replied

Now Hayden was a good kid.

But there were times where he would go a bit too far.

Goku didn't see anything wrong with it.

Gohan did.

Gohan figured that it was the Saiyan genetics that was making Hayden act as though he was some edge lord or something.

'Huh. Would you look at that? He acts just like Bardock' A male voice said. From out of literal thin air. Gohan was the only one who heard this. He looked around before he asked Hayden, "Did you say anything?"

"No. Why? Are you hearing things now?" Hayden asked Gohan.

"Something like that." Gohan replied. He figured that it was his mind playing tricks on him. So he didn't pay it any more attention.


Sometime later they arrived at this massive castle. It was bright and white and it shines during the night. The troops unlocked the ship's doors and allowed the brothers to come off the ship.

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