A God's Reawakening/The Dragon Balls, The Last Hope PT-2

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Gohan found himself shivering. And rightfully so. He was staring at Salem at her full power. She stood tall, looking down on the Super Saiyan as if he was small.

Then with an insane deadly grin she said "Yes......Time To Die!" With Salem at her full capacity Gohan was getting the Hell beaten outta him. To say that would be an understatement? Well you'd be wrong. He was getting bodied. By a Full Powered Salem. Once Salem was at full power she used the forces of nature to blind Gohan so she could begin her assault.

Luckily Gohan was able to get out of the way.

But Salem had to be at least 15 steps ahead of Gohan. She came from literally nowhere and sent him soaring through the air before she slammed him to the waters below.

And after waiting for a moment she then flashed down to where she sent him, and parted the waters as if she was Moses.

Her fist connects into Gohan's stomach.

And stays there despite Gohan trying to pry her fist off his stomach. Salem then arose in the air and let the waters drown her opponent.After a moment Gohan reemerged allowing his Super Saiyan Aura to engulf him.

"My-my, back for more? I see. You must be a glutton for punishment" Salem Said, not even Paying Gohan any attention.

Even though he was behind her. Gohan huffed before he allowed these words to come out of his mouth: "SUPER....KAIO.....KEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" His Aura was now engulfed in red along with his body and hair. He combined his new semblance with the Kaio-Ken technique.

As he vanished, without even moving her body, Salem moved her eyes to the left, hitting Gohan directly in the face! He back flipped and resumed his attack on Salem, but with her eyes alone she countered all of Gohan's attacks. Gohan then back flipped once more and tried to regroup.

But then he stopped, suddenly sensing Salem's presence behind him. "So this is all the power you have? What a joke. I was expecting a challenge not a tease." She taunted

Gohan, sweat dropping, roundhouse kicked nothing but air. Salem appeared above him and slammed him back into the water. Salem chased after him.

And this time their fight or Gohan's beat down resumed under water. Powerful blows and cries of pain from Gohan could be heard before and on the other side of the water, where the waters had split in two along with the land. Salem emerged from the water. Gohan emerged from the splitted part of the ground, brutally damaged.

His Gi top was gone, showing his robust upper body. His pants were tattered, and as he huffed Salem laughed and taunted him again. "Look at you. You can't predict my movements. Pity, I was going to saver this fight, but seeing your defiance makes want to end you here and now"

Gohan growled and powered the Kaio Ken up to X40! Then he unleashed an attack called the Masenko Kamehameha directly at Salem. Only for her....To fly right through Gohan's attack. "No way!" Was all Gohan could say.

Salem appeared out of the blast and resumed her beat down on Gohan. The oldest son of Goku did his best to defend himself. But all was proven futile against Salem. She sent him hurling to the ground, slamming her knees into his stomach continually until she was satisfied.

Gohan helplessly coughed up blood, but Salem didn't care.When she was satisfied, when she thought he was dead, She spat on him and walked away from his body. Which was caved into the ground.


'I....I can't stop her' He thought, trying to get his body to move.

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