The Origins Of Piccolo And Kami

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When the Z fighters arrived at Kami's lookout, Goku and Krillin noticed that Yamcha Tien and Chiaotzu had yet to arrive. However that didn't stop Piccolo from appearing before Kami. Staring him down as Kami did likewise.

Piccolo: Well Old Man, I see you're still alive. Good to know. However, it won't be that way for long. You already know that for yourself, don't you? Surely you know what Goku and I had to put up with. And there are 2 more stronger than that one on their way here. To Earth."

Kami nodded: Yes. I am aware. I am also aware that even if you, Goku, or any other of your friends trained, it would not be enough. These other Saiyans, they are on a different level than the one you faced."

Goku: Even if that's true, that's not going to stop Me from pushing myself beyond my limits."

Kami looked at Goku. A smile crept on his face as he then said: Goku, you still haven't changed one bit after all these years."

He looked at Gohan. Who looked back at him.

Kami: I can sense great power from this one. As if you need me to tell you that Goku. He's just like how you were when you were a boy, the only difference is his long hair."

Goku chuckled as Gohan quirked a brow as he then said: Hold on....You know my daddy?"

Kami nodded and replied: Yes. Your father trained here 5 years ago. It was to prepare him for what he was going to face at the Tenkaichi Budokai in it's 23rd year."

Gohan: Whoa.....So...Who did my daddy face there? Was it the other green man, the one with the cape? Like him?"

He jabbed a thumb at Piccolo.

Piccolo said sarcastically: Good observation kid. I don't know if I should give you a medal or a beatdown. Leaning on that second one more than the first."

Kami: That is enough Piccolo. As it stands, you need Gohan and the others, as much as they need you."

Bulma: As much as I hate to admit it, he's right. The strongest ones of Earth that I know are only Goku and Piccolo."

Roshi: Hey! What do I look like?! Chop liver?! Don't forget that I was the one who taught both Goku and Krillin before either one got their own personal training at their personal locations!"

Bulma looked at the old man and said dully: What when or Wasn't preying on young girls to fulfill your little fantasies?"

Roshi slumped as Krillin laughed.

Krillin: She's got ya there Muten Roshi!"

Roshi: Shut up Krillin."

Piccolo scowled and said: If we're done with the comedy act, we can focus on what we need to do to be prepared for the Saiyans that are coming to-"

?: I hate to break it to you Piccolo. But they're not going to come to earth anytime soon."

Everyone saved Piccolo, looked around as to where they heard that mysterious voice. They saw nothing, but noticed that Kami was smiling.

Kami: Well Well Well. If it isn't the voice of King Kai of the north area. I haven't heard from you in a while."

King Kai: Well sorry about that. I've been working on a few jokes lately. And as they always say, Time flies when you're looking for rhymes. Get it? Rhymes?"

Only Kami laughed. While the others.....

Gohan: Did I miss the joke?"

Goku: I was wondering the same thing."

Bulma: This guy has worse jokes than Muten Roshi."

Roshi: I heard that-"

Piccolo: Shut up already! King whatever the hell you are, what do you mean that the Saiyans won't be coming to earth yet?!"

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