Battle Of Gods/ Jupiter Vs Goku, Gohan, and Hayden

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Jupiter, Goku, Gohan, and Hayden were transported to a world that was outside of earth and a few light years away from the standard Galaxies.

The air was breathable. But the ground's density was impressive. So much so, that even with 10 Kamehameha's, you wouldn't be able to crack at least 5 percent of its surface.

"Whoa.....The ground's more sturdier than earth's. You wouldn't be able to break through it with 10 Kamehameha's and 20 spirit bombs combined." Said Hayden

"You got that right son. And bear in mind, this is a world that was made from scratch." Goku added. "This is a perfect place for us to go all out mother."

"Well, any mother would want their child to have the best. And like any mother, I want my son and grandson to have the most intense, earth shattering family spar ever. So, let us not prolong it anymore." Jupiter said as she got into a stance.

"Sure thing Gran Gran." Hayden said as he got into a stance as well.

"This is gonna be fun." Goku said with glee as he stretched before he took his stance.

"....I can not wait to see what you're capable of grandmother. Let's make this one for the history books." Gohan said as he too, took his stance.

"COME ON BOYS! I KNOW THAT THERE'S MORE THAN WHAT YOU'RE PUSHING OUT!" Jupiter said while sparring with her son and Grandsons. Goku, Gohan, and Hayden, were struggling against Jupiter. But, they were having fun. For Goku, finding out his mother was alive? And a goddess of destruction? And now sparring with her with his sons? What more could he had asked for?

It was the same with Hayden and Gohan. They too, were enjoying their spar with their grandmother. Despite her unleashing attacks and moves on them that they had never seen before.

Now mind you, they were super saiyans, while Jupiter was a Super Saiyan God. In her Super Saiyan God form, Jupiter could control her Ki better than she would controlling it as a Super Saiyan. Which was why she was able to gain the edge and more on Goku Gohan and Hayden.

For one whole hour, Goku and Gohan and Hayden sparred with Jupiter. and while they sparred, the planet was still in perfect shape. Though, there was some minor cracks here and there. But other than that, it held rather nicely with the impact and blows that were echoing throughout the Cosmos.


One hour had passed. And when Ayame brought them back to earth, Jupiter was carrying Goku, while Gohan was carrying Hayden. Goku gave a weak smile as did Hayden. All 4 of them were damaged, but Gohan Goku and Hayden were the main ones with the most damage on them.

Jupiter had only a few damages and half of them were minor.

After they were healed by Ayame, Jupiter hugged her son and grandsons. She could not begin to express how happy she was to spar with them and see where they stood. Now she knew. And now, she could ready the time she would come back and have them trained. It was another least thing she could do for her son and grandchildren. And maybe once Goten got old enough, she could train him too.

And maybe one day, Her son could take her place, as a god of destruction. One day. Maybe.

She then looked over at Ruby and Weiss. Suddenly, the two girls felt themselves moving on their own before they collided with each other and after a light show, standing before Yang, Blake, and the others, was Weiss Rose Schnee.

The fusion, of Weiss Schnee and Ruby Rose.

"Hey lady, what do you do to my-" Yang was cut off before she and Blake were put through the same procedure. After another light show, there stood, BumbleBee Xaio'donna.

A fusion of Blake Belladonna and Yang Xaiolong.

"There. Now there will not be any bickering over my grandsons. Hayden, meet your spouse, Weiss Rose Schnee. Gohan, Bumblebee Xaio'donna. These are your spouses. Make each other happy and make babies when the time comes. I want to be a great grandmother you know."

"Gran Gran/Grandmother!" Gohan and Hayden yelled in unison as Jupiter giggled. She then let go of her grandsons and her son and approached Ayame.

"Hm....It is that time my mistress?" She asked

"Yes. Besides, I have a lot of preparations for my son and my grandsons." Jupiter replied as she looked over at Goku Gohan and Hayden. "My family.......This isn't goodbye okay? Only see you later's. Never forget that."

"So, that means you're coming back Gran Gran?" Hayden asked her.

"Of course. My grandson. My, you and Gohan. And Kakarot, you all have made the happiest I've ever been in years. Oh, if only bardock was here to see how you all have grown. And found love. He would be proud." Jupiter was fighting back tears as her voice was breaking when she was saying this.

"Don't cry mom. Besides, what matters, is that you found me. And I finally met you. now I can finally get to know you, learn from you. This is the best gift I can ask for. And it's not even my birthday!" Goku said with a laugh.

Jupiter laughed as well. Apparently Kakarot had Bardock's sense of humor.

"See you later my son. And also, you have found a wonderful spouse. Cherish her as she has cherished you and made you a happy father." Said Jupiter.

Goku nodded as Chi Chi came beside him with Baby Goten.

Goten looked over at Jupiter and with his puggy hand, he waved bye bye at his grandmother.

"See you later baby Grandson. Grandmother loves you very much." Jupiter said as Ayame transported Jupiter and herself back to her world.

Goku and Chi Chi watched along with the Z fighter. Even Vegeta could not help but smile at the fact that Goku had reunited with his lost loved one. He wanted to one day train beside them when the time comes for Jupiter's return.

Until then, the Saiyan prince would find a way to get strong on his own. And helping him would be his little princess.

Weiss Rose and Bumble Bee Xaio'donna went beside their lovers and watched Ayame and Jupiter leave as well.

"So....What's it like to be a fusion?" Hayden asked Weiss rose.

"It feels weird. Like I'm not 2 people, but one. Eh, at least Ruby and Weiss don't have to share." Weiss said. She held Hayden close to her chest, making the boy blush.

"I always wonder what I look like if Yang and Blake fused. And now that I know, I am going to enjoy having both of their dirty thoughts of you in my mind Gohan." Bumble Bee said with a wink and a giggle.

Gohan couldn't help but blush and chuckle nervously at that. He then looked back up to the clouds and thought, 'Till we meet again grandmother.'

The End

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