It's Name Is Cell?

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As soon as Gohan Goku Trista and Krillin flew away and towards an icy mountain location, The androids flew right behind them.

With Android 16 flying the farthest and almost reaching Goku!

Gohan appeared before 16 and clasped his hands together.

Knocking the female android out of the air and down to the snowy ground.

16 looked up and eyed Gohan.

Who looked down at her, not glaring, but rather intrigued by this being.

Call him crazy but he felt as though this one didn't look as dangerous as the other 2.

Trista realized that Gohan was about to fight 16.

So she was about to rush to help the tween saiyan.

But 17 blocked the way.

"Move out of the way!"

17 replied, "Why don't you make me?"

"If you insist," Trista replied back before transforming. She lunged at 17 only for her to realize that 17 tricked her and had her sights aimed at Krillin.

Krillin gulped and got into an aerial fighting stance when he saw 17 rushing straight for him!


Goku was busy fighting 18.

So he wasn't able to help Krillin out. Now bear in mind Krillin trained very hard. So hard that he was now the 2nd strongest earthling on earth. That didn't mean that he had doubts about his survival.

Because he did.However he was ready to fight. And that's what he did. With someone who was enjoying her time with the short human that had short hair. Trista meanwhile helped out Gohan, who engaged 16. Despite the seriousness of this situation Gohan was talking to the female android during the exchange of attacks.


"I told you that I was designed to kill your father. This is what I was created for" 16 said

"But what about what you want? Aren't you tired of being told what to do. Don't you want to decide what you want to do? Rather than being created to do what you're told. Because that's what Gero created you for. If he was a real man, he would have faced my father himself. But instead, he took it upon himself to create the greatest sin. And he used your body, and the bodies of 17 and 18 to do it. I know that you were a human as the other two"

"Granted. Nevertheless I must complete my mission. And that mission is to kill Goku"

Gohan sighed, "Listen, you can be freed from that desire. My Godmother is a techie. She can reset your programming, and give you freedom from what was installed in you from a mere grudge. But it's up to you to decide how bad you want to be free from what was installed in you"

Trista watched and was wondering what in heaven's name was Gohan Thinking.

There was no way she would agree to that.

She was a killer like the other 2 androids that created her future.

To her shock 16 paused her engagement with Gohan and looked at him with eyes that she never thought any android would have.

The eyes of having a second chance.

That it can happen to her.

And the other androids possibly.

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