Fixing The Future First?

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Gohan listened intently to Trista's story about the Red Ribbon Army. How she learned of the army was from her own mother who was still alive in the future. Alongside a few other survivors. Then she explained that because of Goku's good heart, Dr. Gero, a member of the R.R.A, survived.

And because he survived, he worked day and night on cybernetic beings who would avenge the fallen Red Ribbon Army. And he used A few humans in the process of his experimentation. The first set of Androids were 13, 14, 15.

They were defeated by the Z-fighters. However after Goku's death by a heart virus, the remaining Z-fighters had to defend the earth from androids. 17 and 18.

These Androids were so advanced that they were able to beat every single Z-fighter.




Saved her and Gohan. Future Gohan. But sadly 13 years later, he met the same fate as the other defenders of Earth.

Gohan listened intently as Trista got to the death of himself and those before them. "My mother. Does she die in the future too?" Gohan asked

Trista nodded, "Yes. Her too. I'm sorry Gohan"

Gohan clenched his fist. Then heard Trista let out a low sobbing noise.

He looked at her and saw her lightly crying. He assumed that her coming here and meeting him was a lot to take in. He was her mentor in the future after all, which meant that this must have led to some affections.

Romantic affections. Don't ask him how he knew. He just did.


Trista then explained how events in her world differed from this present era. For example, Gohan did not become a super saiyan until he was 13 years old. Krillin died at the hands of Frieza and not the Ginyu force.

Her father Vegeta came to earth with Nappa. And Goku trained in other world while the Gohan of her timeline trained with Piccolo.

That wasn't something Gohan was interested in. But he could use that thesis to debunk something later on. "Are the Androids still alive where you are?" Gohan asked

Trista nodded,"Yes. I tried to stop them on my own. But what could I do when they could tank an adult Super Saiyan? On top of that it was 2 against 1. There was nothing I could do against those odds but run and live in fear. Which all of us are living in right now Gohan. Its-Its hell! And I want to end it! But I don't have the power to-

"Yes you do" Gohan cut her off, "You just have half of it. More than half in fact. And that's all you need"

Trista cocked a brow, looking at the tween. "What?"

"Look, call me crazy if you wanna but I know where this is going. I know you want to give the antidote for the virus to me to give to my Father, but it won't change the outcome of your future. The best thing is for us to go back to the future, face these androids and put an end to them. From there, find Gero's lab where he made these beings, and destroy it. If we find any clues to beat these beings we'll bring it here to the present and use it to our advantage so that this future can have a peace of mind."

"Gohan are you outta your mind?! Those androids killed you in the future! What makes you any different than your future self?! Tell me that!"

Gohan replied simply to Trista, "If I can take you, and things that came before you, then these androids will be no different. They're probably weaker compared to the fighters of this current timeline. Besides, if we wanna fix the past, we have to fix the future first. Wouldn't you agree to that?"

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