A God's Reawakening/The Dragon Balls, The Last Hope

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Due To Gohan and Hayden being in the RWBY universe at this set time, the events that happened canon wise were extremely reversed and Alternated.

For starters, The group of RWBY and JNOR had started their training with the Specialist of the Atlassian Military.

The girls, namely Yang and Blake, spent some time in Mantle. Namely going to a pub or a club or something of that nature.

Events that dealt with a girl named Robyn.

Who has the semblance to tell who was truthful and who was lying.

The death of a leader of sorts.

And even having the resurrected penny be blamed for crimes and death that she did not commit caused by Tyrian.





Instead of these events and more of the same taking place.

For the next few weeks spent with the group and Winter and Ironwood-yes-even the general himself, learning from Gohan and Hayden about Ki.

What it could do, how can it be a great help, and how it could change their world like it did for those in their world who unlocked it through sheer hell on earth training in their world.

And let it be known that Hayden, who was training Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, and Nora first, did not hold back any punches. Despite being able to become a Super-Saiyan,Hayden's normal state was able to give the most intense hellish training Ruby and Weiss and Jaune and Nora had ever experienced.

And through his taunting he was able to push them to their brink for the next couple of days.


As for Gohan he trained and taught Yang, Blake, Ren, Qrow, and Oscar.

He too, did not hold back and pushed them to the brink. But not through taunting, because Gohan was better than that, and because of his past life, he was able to encourage the teens, who thought they couldn't take anymore punishment.

Winter and ironwood would receive their training at a later time, with Ironwood realizing that he was almost an old man. He wasn't downing himself because he wanted to help more than he was, but he could feel old age kicking in.Gohan assured him that he was never too old to learn new tricks.

If Master Roshi-a man whom Gohan told Ironwood about-was able to still fight despite being almost 500 years old then Ironwood could do it too.

Now the teams did have breaks, but unlike the cast in the canon series, this alternate cast of hunters took their training very seriously. This wasn't a life or death situation for them, this was the life and death situation for their planet and everyone in it.

If they should fall, so would everything they desired to defend properly. And they weren't going to let anything, Not even death, keep them from the desire to protect their planet and the people on it.

Now, there was romance stirring, and why would it not? It seemed that Weiss and Ruby had their eyes set on Hayden, and Yang and Blake had their targets set on Gohan.

Yang because she saw him as a man that had all the right qualities, and Blake because of his humble demeanor and how he encouraged others to do their best. He was also interested in literature, and in Blake's book, that scored the eldest son of Goku high points.

The Brothers also met The secret operatives whom Ironwood had chosen. They were called the Ace Operatives. When Hayden saw how confident they were in what they could do so far.

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