Chapter 2

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Seto Kaiba wasn't a believer, at least not back then. He rejected all the possibilities of the mumbo-jumbo stuff the geek squad insisted on being real and trying to make him believe it too. Kaiba was well into the present, he was the CEO of a multi-billion company, he had better things to do than believing in this craziness about magic and pharaohs, and whatnot. Deep down, however, he doubted himself even then. It was too real not to be true and everything fell perfectly into place. Seto was too stubborn and proud to admit it out loud but even he couldn't deny the presence of the two Yugis and how it unfolded. It was impossible to deny. But Seto had changed, and he was less of the grumpy jerk he used to be, and he knew in himself everything that happened in the past was true. Some days though, his past self fought to come back. Seto was ever torn between reason and arrogance. The blue-eyed CEO displayed perfect composure while inside he was anything but calm.

Seto had just finished for the day, feeling exhausted not just from the work but the turmoil in his head. He was heading home and knew exactly what he'd do. The limousine pulled in front of the grand mansion before Roland could leave and go to open his boss's door, Seto was already on his way to the front door. Without wasting any second once inside, Seto went straight for his room to change into a T-shirt and sweatpants. It was a routine change, taking less than a minute to get rid of the suit and put on the sports attire.

Everyone knew the Kaiba brothers lived in an ultra-expensive mansion with any kind of fancy additions. In the past two years, Seto's personal favourite was the gym. It helped him cool off and use some of the built-in emotions he had. Seto entered the gym and went for his usual routine. First, he bandaged his hands as it was required before he went for the punching bag. It had become his regular schedule to go and steam off by boxing. Seto had always been tall and lean but his training had put on a lot of muscles to his body. If anything, women found him even more attractive than ever. Then again, he could've looked like a goblin for all they cared as he was one of the richest men in the world. Seto went for the punching bag, hitting it hard, giving it all of his anger, frustration, confusion...

The memories of Ancient Egypt came back to him. It was the place he was dreaming of almost every night. It was his past self he saw and that girl. His vision got blurred seeing both what he was doing in the present and his memories before him. Seto got angrier by the moment. What was wrong with him? Why did Seto have to dream about the stupid past? The emotions were building up inside him, threatening to come out. Seto gave an angered shout before punching the bag with all his might. The hit was so strong, it sent the bag flying forward and it caused the heavy chain to let go of it. Right, Seto had demolished yet another bag. Seto was panting ever so slightly but not from the physical exercises but rather the anger and frustration he was bottling up.

Mokuba stood at the door watching his brother destroy himself. Something was wrong with Seto, but he refused to share. What he did was come here in the gym and take it all on the poor punching bags. They might as well order a whole batch of them, anyway, they wouldn't last for long. It was Seto's way of dealing with whatever was going inside him. Mokuba was worried and annoyed at the same time at his brother.

"Are you trying to punish yourself or the bag?" Mokuba spoke bitterly from the sides getting Seto's attention.

"Just leave me alone Mokuba, that's none of your business," Seto ignored him yet again.

Mokuba had a hurt expression on his face. "If you're going to self-destroy yourself, then it is my business to know what's wrong with my brother!" the younger boy shouted at his brother.

"I'm fine, stop worrying yourself so much." Seto pushed the broken bag aside and went for another one.

"That's what you call fine? Seto, why don't you share with me, I know something's going on with you. Sometimes I feel like two persons are fighting inside you: the nice, caring brother I had and the arrogant jerk you turned into!" Mokuba exclaimed before storming off.

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