Chapter 11

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The plane landed on one of the private runways on the biggest airport in NYC. It was the same evening but on the other side of the globe. Karissa and Seto got off the plane, this time Karissa was truly glad for the attendant's help with her bag, she felt strangely dizzy. When they finally stood on the ground, Karissa clutched the railing nearby, her legs were all wobbly. What was wrong with her? The limo was already waiting for them, the staff moved their luggage, so the two of them headed for the car. Karissa took a deep breath and carefully moved on praying to make it to the car. Oh no, this had to be what was called jet lag. They had crossed so many time zones, it was a first for Karissa, therefore, it had affected her. Karissa did her best to hide her indisposition when getting in the car and taking her seat next to Mr Kaiba. They took off immediately going for the penthouse building. Karissa did her best to look normal, choosing to stare out of the window. It wasn't a complete bluff; she was excited to see everything. It was so different, almost every building they passed was raised in the skies. From up there Karissa couldn't exactly tell how tall they were but down here... it was Kaiba Corp everywhere. The girl stared in awe, her uneasiness half-forgotten. Sooner than anticipated, the limo stopped before an expensive hotel complex. It reminded Karissa of something like the Plaza Hotel. Seto exited the car first. The hotel staff met him immediately.

"Have our luggage brought upstairs," Seto ordered.

"Right away, sir," the man obliged.

Karissa followed him but once outside on her feet, her dizziness came back. Karissa climbed up the front stairs slowly and did her best to catch up with her boss. Seto was already up ahead, so Karissa speeded up. This helped not her condition. She barely had time to take in the lobby before getting in the lift with him. Her physical extension caused Karissa to feel nauseous and this time she couldn't help holding onto one of the lift walls. Seto noticed something wasn't fully right with Karissa the moment they got off the jet. Now she looked even paler and could barely stand. The fool had tried to look alright before him up until now. It had to be the jet lag, it was her first time travelling through so many zones, that had to be it.

"I'm sorry, I don't feel so well," Karissa apologised to Seto's bewilderment. She had no fault for feeling indisposed.

"Don't be ridiculous, it's not your fault. It's normal for the first time on a long flight." Seto wanted to reassure her.

Karissa managed to nod but seeing she was too weak to stand, Seto approached her and held the girl. Karissa accepted his help grateful to have secure support. Her mind was too far away to register she was in fact in Seto Kaiba's embrace. His body was hard but warm, his strong arm held her tight, never doubting he'd catch her if the need came. They arrived at the top floor and Seto along with Karissa went towards the door. He unlocked his apartment and went towards one of the bedrooms. The disadvantage here was, the bedrooms were on the second floor, so they had to climb up the stairs. Karissa glanced at the new set of stairs groaning. After the third step Seto gave up and picked her up bridal style, there was no point in making it harder for any of them. The girl was too tired, and it was simply cruel pushing her beyond her limits. Seto was far too familiar with the forces beyond one's limits and wasn't about to turn into a monster like his stepfather, not anymore. Seto climbed the steps easily, the girl weighed almost nothing. Choosing the bedroom next to his, Seto opened it and went to place the girl on the large bed. Karissa instantly collapsed, hopefully, the sleep would do her well and she'd be like new tomorrow. Now that his hands were empty, Seto turned on the lights and noticed she was still in her travel clothes. There was nothing he could do about this but Seto could at least make it a bit more comfortable for her. First, Seto took off her shoes then carefully moved her to peel off the jacket. Fortunately, the girl was fast asleep. Seto covered her with the blankets, leaving her in her sleep. His turmoil in his head was about all past and future. The two of them were the key figures in the tale as old as time. Seto forced himself to leave the room not before turning off the lights. Getting downstairs, Seto noticed their luggage had been brought while he attended to his exhausted assistant. Deciding to be nice for once, Seto picked their stuff and brought hers to her room. She'd arrange everything tomorrow when she was better.

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