Chapter 6

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Once everything with her job was secure, Karissa decided to phone her cousin. She had gotten the number from her aunt, via her mum. Karissa couldn't wait to tell her she was actually in Domino. Karissa typed the number and hit the call button. It didn't take long for the other girl to pick up the phone.

"Hello, Téa Gardner speaking?" the girl on the other side spoke.

"Téa! It's me, Karissa." Karissa answered enthusiastically.

"Oh my gosh! I haven't heard from you in ages!" Téa exclaimed.

"I know but guess what? I moved back to Domino!" both girls let out a squeal.

"No way! Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Téa jokingly said.

"I wanted to sort everything with my new job. So, I really can't wait to meet you, cos. It's been so long." Karissa explained.

Téa giggled, "Me too! When are you free?"

"How about Saturday? I'm really busy during the week." Her boss didn't take it easy on her.

"Works for me, I have classes during the week. How about we meet at the Domino Café?" Téa agreed.

"Perfect! Saturday at noon?" Karissa suggested.

"It's settled then. Looking forward to seeing you cos!" Téa announced happily.

"Same here! See you then cos!" with that, the cousins hung up.

They hadn't completely lost contact, they still messaged each other often and her cousin Téa was aware of Karissa's struggles with the job. Karissa had decided to wait and see what would happen with the Kaiba Corp application as it was so sudden. Fortunately, everything went so well. Karissa could stay in her favourite place and she liked working at Kaiba Corp. Despite all the rumours, Karissa didn't find Seto Kaiba to be the person everyone claimed him to be. Karissa couldn't wait for the weekend to meet her cousin and tell her everything. The girl was her best friend. Only two more days to go until the time came.


Saturday finally came, Karissa was aware Téa had a boyfriend now. It was a very cute story, being reunited with her true love at long last. Téa only let her know Atem, her boyfriend had left due to some reasons and they couldn't be together, but it seemed the problems were now solved as they lived into their happily ever after. Karissa was still getting used to Domino, it had been a long time since she had last seen the town and it was so different now. Nevertheless, Karissa found her way to the café Téa and she agreed to meet at easily. Once Karissa was inside, after a quick scan she noticed her cousin's brown locks, quite different to her very light blonde hair. Karissa smiled and walked towards her.

Téa noticed the presence beside her, so she turned her head to find her cousin next to her. Karissa and Téa were the same age, however, physically they had almost nothing in common besides the blue eyes. That they had in common, inherited from their mothers. The sisters had these unique blue eyes both their daughters now had too. Téa's lips parted into a bright smile.

"Karissa, it's so good to finally see you!" the brunette stood to hug her cousin.

"I'm so happy to see you too Téa!" they embraced before both taking a seat across each other.

"It's been a while, isn't it cos?" Karissa asked once they were seated.

"Yes, it is." Téa agreed.

Her cousin had a light hair about the same length as Téa's now that she kept it longer than she used to in her teens. A waiter came in to take their orders. They both ordered something for lunch as it was noon.

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