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Two years later

Seto and Karissa's relationship was growing ever stronger. After they started dating publicly, it was taken with a grain of salt, but the couple was happy and didn't let the media affect them in any way. As Seto promised, Karissa started working in his tech department occasionally helping with his schedule too. It was the best of both worlds in all cases. She helped him with some of his ideas, their first project – the real-life game experience was an absolute hit and there were specially set buildings with the game in every Kaibaland park. His company was doing more than well, now they were in the middle of one very ambitious project for a duelling academy Seto had had for a while but never got to it. Along with Karissa, they were working on opening the very first academy sometime in the near future. It was a dream Seto had pushed back for a long time but could pursue at long last.

At some point not so long ago, they had decided for Karissa to move in with him in the mansion. Their relationship was steady enough and they spent so much time together, it made no sense to live separately anymore. It was great timing since Mokuba was away for his studies and Seto was alone most of the time. To Seto's great delight and relief, Karissa accompanied him on all events as his lady. Having not to deal with any harpies anymore made these gatherings a lot more tolerable. It was still boring but Seto could keep himself occupied with his lovely lady that often fascinated his partners with her charms and wits, to Seto's utmost displeasure. Not like he wasn't happy for her, but seeing other men fall over his girlfriend did make him jealous, a lot. Soon, she would be all his though, currently, they were at Atem and Téa's long-anticipated wedding. They finally tied the knot; it was about time, considering how madly in love the two were and they were expecting a child soon. It only confirmed Seto's own desires, and it was the perfect time to take the next step.

Karissa couldn't be happier with her life. Everything was more than perfect; she had her dream job and Seto and she lived together. There was nothing she could ask for as she had everything. Her love for Seto had only grown stronger if that was even possible. At that moment, Karissa was delighted to be present at her cousin's wedding. It was long overdue; everyone had been expecting them to marry ages ago and it was finally happening. It was also so exciting Téa was pregnant so the two would soon be parents. Karissa couldn't wait to see that cute little baby. Being part of wedding plans and baby shopping got her dreamy, but she wasn't yet ready to talk about this with Seto. Karissa hadn't thought about marriage or even kids with him. Would he want that? Karissa hoped so, one day at least.

The reception was going nicely, it wasn't that big of a wedding – only their friends and family which made for quite a few people but in Atem and Téa's opinion that was plenty. Téa's baby bump was visible now, she was about five months along so only four months to go until they welcomed their firstborn. They had decided not to know the baby's gender until it was born, so it'd be a surprise. In his time, Atem wouldn't have any way of knowing so he was more than fine. They both wanted a healthy baby, everything else they already had. Seto had given them the beach house some time ago as a gift. It was very nice of him and they weren't sure but Seto insisted as the only one who did ever occupy the house, so it only felt right to give it to them as an early wedding present. Téa was genuinely happy for her cousin and glad Seto had become their friend. He wasn't always open, but no one could deny he had a good heart. Actually, it was time for Téa to throw the bouquet, so she got up and all her lady friends lined up.

"Alright, get ready," Téa warned before preparing to throw it.

The girls weren't the only ones watching intently. The boys were rather very nervous as to which one would catch the bouquet, silently hoping it wouldn't be his girl or almost everyone. Téa finally threw it back and turned to see where it landed. Her aim was perfect as the flowers landed in Karissa's unsuspecting hands. On the sides, Yugi, Joey and Tristan let out a visible sigh. Well, it was for the better Karissa had got it than either Mai, Rebecca, or Serenity. Téa let out an exciting giggle and went to hug Karissa. All the girls seemed disappointed at first but soon forgot about it and all encircled the lucky blonde. As if on cue, the guys turned to look at their friend Kaiba and it was Joey who spoke first barely containing his amusement.

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