Chapter 23

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Seto and Karissa stayed in his forest hut for the night but the next day, they had to go back to their everyday life. This gateway was a temporary escape from reality but they both knew it would catch up with them sooner or later. They changed into some regular clothes, Seto donning his bespoken white trench coat on top of all his all blacks minus the belts. Karissa had another top and jeans and they were ready to leave. Reluctantly, Seto drove Karissa back home.

"Thank you once again for the amazing evening," Karissa began.

"I wish it could've lasted longer," Seto truly wished so, even more than she realised.

"So do I," Karissa let out a sad sigh. "Call me when you get back, okay?" she decided that changing the topic was for the best.

"I promise I will," Seto had no doubt he'd do it.

"I miss you already," Karissa leaned in closer for a kiss.

"As do I," Seto murmured meeting her halfway.

After they kissed, Karissa left his car and waved to him before heading to her house. Seto watched until she was out of sight, feeling his heartache. With Karissa, everything seemed almost... normal. When he was alone, everything he did was fruitless against the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. The influence was far too strong to resist. He was afraid it was a battle he was bound to lose. Seto took off unaware he'd been followed. His pursuers had an entirely different plan altogether. Facing Seto Kaiba upfront served them nothing. He was far too strong and witty to beat using their head in methods, so their boss had come up with a new plan. The master didn't mind the delay, it only did them good letting the beast get stronger and the man weaker but enough was enough. They needed the boy now before it was too late. They knew exactly where the billionaire would go, and their trap was awaiting him. Soon, he'd be in their hands. Meanwhile, all they had to do was wait and he'd fall right into their hands.

Seto took a little longer to get home, needing to be alone before facing his brother and his full of grief face. Mokuba wasn't taking the prospect of losing his big brother very well. Not that Seto wished to part with his little brother either but... Deep in his thoughts, Seto didn't notice the obstacle upfront until it was too late. He hit the brakes immediately but couldn't prevent the slight crash. Once his car made contact with that metal block, Seto was left a little dizzy at the impact. Thankfully, it wasn't a major crash, save for maybe a few scratches to his car though. Seto exited the vehicle feeling only slightly disoriented but blinking a couple of times and his senses were coming back. He checked on his expensive sports car, oh well, that would be costly to repair. Lost in his observation, Seto missed the approaching figures. They said nothing but Seto felt their presence, but it was too little too late. He was ready to fight them, just like before. They pretended to attack him only being bait to distract him from the real threat. Unknown to him, another pair of goons sneaked up to him, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and it came.

Seto was slightly confused why these morons kept back. Didn't they want to capture him or something? Not that he wanted them to do so but this was weird. Too late he understood it was only a distraction. The blow that came to his nape did make him dizzy and Seto's body couldn't quite keep its balance, but he still held. The dragon was irritated and wanted to fight back. Before Seto could react in any way, he got hit again this time his knees budged, and he fell unconscious on the ground. His eyes closed not before seeing the shoes of the men coming closer to get him and he was unable to do anything as he slipped in the depths of darkness.


Aknadin was waiting in their hideout. His minions had made enough mistakes and the boy had grown weak enough, so it was about time to bring him in for a visit. When his servants arrived he stood up in anticipation.

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