Chapter 13

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The time passed rather quickly with the formal reception being in just a couple of hours. Karissa had started early with the preparations being too nervous to stay still. She had decided to do a low bun updo, so her hair would be beautiful yet neat and give room to the outfit. Her blonde locks were loosely fit, creating a more natural look with a few strands being on her face. Karissa went easy on the makeup, as usual, she'd be glamorous enough without spooking the look. At last, came the dress in all its glory. Putting it on was a bit of a struggle by herself but she managed it. The only kind of jewellery Karissa went for was earrings. In this case, the saying less was more fitted her perfectly. The last item were the shoes, white satin heels not that they could be seen due to the drama train, but Karissa still made sure they were a match. Starring at herself in the mirror in her extra-large bedroom, Karissa could barely recognise herself. Taking a deep breath, Karissa checked on the clock – that was it, she had to get out of this room.

Seto couldn't wait to see Karissa again in that dress. It fitted her so perfectly, hugging every delightful curve of hers. Seto was glad they had established this trust between them yesterday. The visions... what they saw was a start. Seto would eventually explain it to her hoping she'd be ready to accept it. His choice of the suit was rather a classic tux like one in black and white. Seto knew without a doubt his lady tonight would be the centre of attention. Anxious to see her already, Seto was waiting impatiently beside her room. Why women had to take so long to get ready? Well, last time he was impressed with the result though but still. At last, the door opened, and Karissa shined like a star. Seto was completely dumbstruck, Karissa looked absolutely breath-taking. His eyes roamed all over to her ample bosom and her perfectly round bottom. Everything was perfect about her. The girl smiled nervously waiting for some reaction which caused Seto to get out of his trance but barely.

"You look gorgeous," Seto managed to say in awe.

"Thank you," Karissa smiled not able to hide her blush.

"You're definitely outshining everyone tonight," Seto was sure of it.

"Oh, I hope I don't, I'm not someone important," Karissa smiled anxiously.

"For me, you are," Seto's voice held perfect confidence.

Karissa now blushed madly; it was such a nice thing to say but it didn't help her not feel any less anxious. Seto came to her offering his arm, Karissa was glad for the distraction and put her hand in the fold of his arm. They left the penthouse, going through the lobby everyone stared at her in awe. Seto was a gentleman to help her get in the car and everything. The hall they had hired for tonight was in the heart of Manhattan. Their ride didn't last long or maybe in Karissa's view seemed to be much faster than expected. Karissa clutched onto her purse feeling like a ball of nerves. Seto came in to help her out which Karissa was truly grateful for. They walked along the red carpet entering the lounge. They were guided by the staff from the main entrance to the grand ballroom. Karissa was truly awed while the guests found something entirely different as a lot more jaw-dropping. Seto marched in with confidence knowing he was the main leader here. Karissa followed soon noticing the stares coming her way with the whispers following soon. Mr Howard came to greet Kaiba then making a formal announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have Mr Seto Kaiba here. It's an honour having him here in New York." Mr Howard gave the mic to Seto.

"Good evening, thank you all for coming. It's been a pleasure visiting the Kaiba Corp branch in New York seeing it's doing so well. Enjoy your evening," Seto finished his brief speech nonchalantly.

The mood was fast resumed. Seto wished to get back to Karissa but was stopped by one of his business partners. Gritting his teeth, Seto stopped knowing well enough he had to go through all this. His eyes would flick over to the so enchanting lady waiting at the far end. Karissa was clearly not used to this setting, not that Seto could say he enjoyed it, but it was one of his many obligations. Finally, his interlocutor noticed his distracted manner and turned slightly to see what he was so occupied with. A knowing expression came to his face.

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