Chapter 25

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After making their plan, they separated with the agreement to keep in touch and let the rest know in case of any update. Téa did her best to reassure her cousin and give her all the support she needed. Poor Karissa was going through the same devastating loss Téa did. Karissa was on her own now, her feelings were battling inside while she was worried sick. That's when she felt the stabbing pain in her heart. That was rather unusual, but it wasn't the first time Karissa had experienced something like that. If this was true, then Seto was in grave danger. They had a really strong connection, probably because of their ancient past. They were both the present reincarnations of two people who lived five thousand years ago. Priest Seto and Kisara shared a love that transcended through time and space. It was the same love Karissa shared with Seto.

No one had called yet so there was still no sign of Seto, and they were no closer to finding him. It was as if the blue-eyed CEO of Kaiba Corp had vanished from the earth. But their connection... was still very present; Karissa could feel him. She might not have the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, but it was once part of her counterpart, that connection echoed through the ages. Suddenly, Karissa got an idea and was determined to succeed. Karissa used her ancient connection to the Blue-Eyes, willing it to show her the way. The strand was far much weaker than expected, almost non-existent but it was enough. Karissa used it as guidance letting it show her the way and it did. It pulled her towards the docks in some beaten up old warehouse. Without thinking, Karissa took off at a sprint towards the said location.

The blonde arrived at the docks and looked around. Well, the problem was, it was full of old-looking warehouses and Seto could be in any one of them. That could complicate things, but she was close, Karissa knew it. A tiny voice in her head told her to call the rest and to not be foolish and go all by herself but Karissa barely paid any attention.

Where are you, Seto? Karissa wondered in her head. Every second counted, she had to find him soon. Then, Karissa felt the tugging in one particular direction. The feeling was too hard to ignore, and Karissa followed the lead. That warehouse was just like the rest, nothing distinguishable but that's where she was being pulled to. Cautiously, Karissa looked around not willing to make her presence known. She found a side door and sent a silent prayer the door was unlocked, and no one was there to intercept her. Biting her lip, Karissa pushed the door, and no one came to attack her. Karissa let out a breath she didn't realise was holding all this time. The blonde girl sneaked up inside looking out for any kind of sounds and she heard quiet noises coming from someone who was clearly in pain. Karissa was definitely on the right track, so she moved around a pile of logs and a ladder to peek around the corner. There at the far side, she saw Seto, and he was chained up to a stone tablet. He looked really, really bad. Seto was in a terrible state, hanging there limply. No, he wasn't... it couldn't be... Karissa's heart skipped a beat when she saw him move a little. He was still alive but for how long? Karissa looked around; she didn't notice anyone around Seto, but they could be still lurking around. She had to risk it, there was no other way.

Karissa made up her mind and found the best way to get closer without exposing herself yet. She moved swiftly in the shadows getting closer and closer to Seto. His features were getting more distinguishable with every inch and only made her heart clench in fear and worry. He was so pale and so very weak. Finally, there was nowhere else to hide so Karissa ran for it getting to Seto. She looked around frantically for any way to free him, but these things were like nothing she'd ever seen.

"Seto, oh my love..." Karissa muttered cupping his face gently.

Seto was barely conscious anymore. The last set of shocks and blasts had taken a good deal out of him. He was so far back in his mind that he barely had any control left over his body. His throat was hoarse from his screaming, not even his voice was anywhere to be found. Seto was hanging on a thin rope of life when he heard her voice. It came from somewhere far away; he must be hallucinating because she definitely wasn't here. Then someone touching his face, it was so distant to him but Seto registered it. Forcing his tired eyelids to open, Seto blinked a couple of times to focus and saw Karissa's serene beauty. Was he dead already? This couldn't possibly be happening.

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