Chapter 22

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After Seto told Mokuba the truth, his brother kept on looking at him a bit differently as if fearing he might disappear any second. His usual attitude was no longer present, not feeling like teasing his brother anymore or making him angry for no reason. Out of everything, Seto found himself missing even his impish remarks. Seto had promised to do everything in his power to prove himself but the question was how? The gods never supplied any such information and he doubted they'd do another audience with him. Seto couldn't fight him physically, the dragon was inside him, so he needed another approach. The only way he could think of was fighting for control but recalling how easy it was to take him over, Seto felt completely and utterly powerless. The beast was quiet only in Karissa's presence, but he couldn't rely solely on her, the gods were explicit he was the one to prove himself, no one else could do it for him.

Seto sighed leaning back in his chair. He was running out of time and fast. Seto could feel slipping more and more. He'd made no progress as to identifying the organisation that was after him. These were faceless men who followed orders and did the dirty job of someone up in the hierarchy. He had to use every second he had left the best way he could. Seto opened his laptop and did a quick search. He'd have this order in no time, being Seto Kaiba had its advantages. There was something he could do and spending that time with his closest people was at the top of his list. Funny how a life and death situation made him realise the importance of the people in his life. Seto had been foolish and blind to many things and he realised his mistakes, but it was too late. All these years he'd been sealing his own fate with his rudeness, anger, selfishness, and greed. They brought him nothing but pain and misery, all Seto could do was try and fix his past mistakes.

Once Seto had settled everything, he decided to call it a day. He'd dedicated most of his life to work, it was time he spent time on other things. Seto had multiple places all around the globe, his personal favourite was a remote house out of town. It was peaceful and quiet, Seto could forget about everything and the outside world, just being in nature and pretend there was nothing beyond the trees and nature. Seto picked up his things and left his office. He saw Karissa beautiful as ever behind her desk.

"I'm leaving for today, cancel everything please," Seto informed her.

"Is everything alright?" Karissa looked for any signs of something being off.

"Yes, I'll come and pick you up later, but I need to do something first," Seto kept the part about the villa, it would be a surprise.

"Where will we be going?" Karissa inquired curiously.

"Now, that's a surprise," Seto smiled mysteriously before leaning in for a kiss.

"And you won't give me a clue?" Karissa fluttered with her eyelashes.

"Tempting but no, I'll see you later, darling," Seto waved back making his way out.

First things first, Seto told Roland to drive him home. He needed to change and prepare some things. Despite wanting to do it all himself, it would be unconventional going around with his distinguishable face, Seto didn't want the attention now so he gave a list to Roland to fulfil while he got other things ready. By the end of the evening, Seto had everything he needed including his gift. He would've asked Pegasus himself if he couldn't find that object. He'd went to check on the villa and prepare everything for tonight before coming back. Seto had texted Karissa to let her know he'd pick her up at six, so she'd have enough time to get ready. Seto arrived at her home with his sports car, he had a beautiful bouquet of red roses as he wished to give her first thing. Seto exited the car wearing a navy shirt and black trousers, more like smart formal than anything. He rang the bell and Karissa came out looking flawlessly in her simple attire. She'd opted for a similar shade of dress to his shirt making him chuckle at the coincidence.

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