Chapter 18

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Seto and Karissa's relationship was developing quite steadily. Their first lovemaking in his home was far from the only one. In fact, Seto couldn't keep his hands off her when they were in private. He was ever hard and eager to get inside her. Seto was like a horny teenager who wanted to have sex at all times. One would've thought his erection couldn't be up so quickly, but it proved them wrong. As it seemed, Seto was far more than capable of being aroused again not long after being with her, wanting her all over again. On her part, Karissa was returning his eagerness with pleasure. Seto was setting her whole body alive, and it was everything she'd been missing. She was no longer the school freak who skipped years due to being a gifted child and always being younger than her peers.

They were currently in bed after Seto had spent the night in her house. Karissa woke up before her alarm but used the time to watch him sleeping. He was so peaceful having an angelic beauty to him while asleep. To her displease, Seto's eyes fluttered before he opened them. She pouted wishing to watch him sleep longer but Seto was already awake. It took him a few moments to realise she was awake and staring at him.

"Morning," his hoarse sleepy voice was fierce sexy.

"Morning," Karissa replied smiling. That's when Seto realised what she was doing.

"Were you watching me sleep?" the blue-eyed CEO raised his eyebrow in clear amusement.

"Maybe, you were making for quite the view," Karissa grinned only to be engulfed in Seto's embrace.

"Oh, so I do make for a nice eye candy then?" Seto teased her jokingly.

Without waiting for a reply, he brought her closer and met their lips in a long sensual kiss. This was pure perfection. In these small gaps, Seto could enjoy complete serenity and not just physically, he had peace and quiet in his mind too. Karissa's presence calmed the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and kept him at bay. The kiss was growing hotter and hotter but just then her alarm rang and Seto groaned in a protest. Why now? Karissa turned it off but didn't resume their kissing fest.

"Come on, we have to go to work so get up," Karissa stood up in her modest pyjamas but Seto made no effort to get up yet.

"Can I convince you to come back?" Seto inquired hopefully.

"As much as I'd like to stay, we have to go, or did you forget you're the CEO Mr Kaiba?" Karissa raised an eyebrow at him. "But, if you get up now, you may join me in the bathroom," she added with a little twinkle in her eyes.

Seto was up in an instant coming next to her in two long strides. This wasn't an offer the CEO of Kaiba Corp was going to miss. They went inside her bathroom for a shower turning it into a hot make-out session. Their shower took longer than usual but it was time to leave so they exited the bathroom and went to change back in her room. Karissa didn't take too long to make herself up but Seto's constant interruptions with a kiss or a hickey certainly slowed her down. At last, they were ready to go, and Karissa made breakfast for them before heading for the company. Karissa was reluctant to be seen arriving with him but Seto waved it off as a minor detail, he could've called her early in the morning for something, after all, she was his assistant. Once they were out of the car, they kept their interactions on a professional level even though all they wanted was to be in each other's arms. Entering his company, they had to focus on their own respective tasks.


Seto had just received a report about the performance of his Kaibaland parks. They were doing extremely well but something was missing from the puzzle. He recalled his virtual simulation and toyed with the idea. There was a time when he wanted to produce this but quite frankly, his experience with his own game did not end well. The first time the imbecile Big Five tried to overthrow his company with Pegasus' help and also tried to capture him in his own game. Then it was the Noah story when they were trapped in cyberspace. Probably it wasn't a good idea to start with again, but he'd put so much work into this. Now, it was completely discarded making his work a waste of time. Could he bring this project back to life again? Was it a good idea? He needed a second opinion, so he pushed the button for his intercom to call for Karissa. She was in his office less than a minute later waiting expectantly.

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