Chapter 10

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During the weekend, Seto went over the deal and was ready to sign the contracts on Monday. The deal was almost complete but since it was an international one, Seto would need to go to one of his branches abroad. Kaiba Corp had establishments in all the major cities around the globe. This was one of the American deals Seto needed. It was good timing because he had a trip coming only in a few days' time. It seemed like Seto might have to push the trip forward a bit. Pressing the intercom, Seto called for his assistant. She needed to clear all his schedule for the next two days here in Domino and reschedule everything for next week. At the same time, Seto had other tasks at hand abroad. Karissa was there immediately bringing her notebook as always.

"Yes, sir?" Karissa inquired.

"My trip to New York is moved for the day after tomorrow, make sure to reschedule everything," Seto announced, and Karissa scribbled it all down.

"Very well," Karissa waited for his next request.

"Also, I need you to come with me." That took her by surprise. "Don't worry about a thing, we're using my private jet, the accommodation is all arranged too. Just pack up, that would be sufficient," Seto waved a hand dismissingly. He spared no expenses, his assistant had nothing to worry about.

"Alright, I'll reschedule your tasks here and add the new ones to the New York list." Karissa felt a bit excited.

"Good, you can go now." Seto dismissed her.

A trip to New York with her boss! Karissa had never travelled that far; it was a first and she was excited. Maybe she'd speak to her cousin later to share the news. Oh god, she had so little time to prepare! Karissa had to pack up tonight for sure, maybe even spend the whole night doing that. On the other hand, that would be one of a kind experience. Wait, he said they'd travel in his jet together but where would they stay? Probably a hotel, with separate rooms. Of course, they'd be separate, why do otherwise? Karissa's cheeks turned bright red at the thought. Oh dear, this would be a very long week indeed.

First, Karissa needed to sort out her boss's arrangements for the next two days. It was a bit like playing a game called Tetris – a lot of shuffling and new additions but Karissa managed it well. She saved the copies on her computer and planner, also rearranging her schedule. Karissa had no idea what she would be required to do, probably the same as usual. It was a business trip, not an amusement one.

The day passed rather quickly. Karissa was back at her home, having a very quick dinner. She wasted no time going to her room and taking out her large suitcase. Karissa selected all the formal business suits she had, adding a couple of dresses too just in case. There was a question behind a gala reception either Friday or Saturday, but Karissa doubted she'd be required for that. Besides, it wasn't like the blonde had any dresses worthy of such an event. Even her best gown could be considered only semi-formal. Karissa sighed, hoping it wouldn't come to that. Karissa added a couple of pairs of shoes, at least in the shoe department she was better. Well, her dress might not be good, but the shoes made up for it. In a separate bag, Karissa selected all the needed cosmetics and accessories a girl like her could need. It never hurt being prepared. She'd pack a smaller case later with things to have on board with her. It was time to call her cousin. Karissa picked the phone and called Téa's number.

"Hey, cos!" Karissa greeted first.

"Karissa, I'm so glad to hear from you!" Téa exclaimed likewise.

"You won't believe where I'm going!" Karissa decided to be teasing.

"Where? You're not leaving, are you?" Téa got upset.

"No, no. I'm going on a business trip with Seto Kaiba in... New York City!" Karissa announced happily.

"Oh my! That's fantastic! Wait, you have to spend several days being constantly with him after you saw him all hot and sweaty. Ooh..." Téa giggled teasingly. Karissa had shared what happened with her.

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