Chapter 20

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After their ruined date the other night, Seto had made up his mind to take matters into his own hands and find who these goons were. That one guy had mentioned their 'master' wanted him, there was always a leader, these thugs were far too dumb to do anything by themselves. He was so strained; his nerves were stretched tight like a string. Karissa wanted to help somehow but she could be even less successful in finding the attackers. Still, Seto couldn't go this way, he was overworking himself and by what she'd heard, he'd been this way before – the full workaholic way in a very unhealthy manner. She wasn't letting this happen again and let him fall into that abyss again. Karissa entered his office to see him massaging his temples.

"Seto, you're overworking yourself; you haven't had a break at all recently," Karissa walked around the desk to stand behind him.

"I can't take a break, I have to find them, there's work to be done too," Seto muttered tiredly.

"It won't be any use if you're too tired to work, now will it?" Karissa asked sarcastically.

Before he could give her any answer, not that it was going to change anything, Karissa put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him back in his chair. Gosh, his body was so tense, this man didn't know how to relax at all.

"Now, sit back and relax," Karissa gently guided him.

"But..." Seto was about to protest but she silenced him.

"No buts, close your eyes and enjoy," Karissa pecked him on the cheek before standing up.

She started massaging his back and shoulders, getting the pressure and stress out of him. Soon, Seto relaxed under her magical touch and gave a slight moan. No one had done this for him before, but it felt so good. Her hands did miracles to his stiff muscles, not just from work but his intense workout sessions too. Such care... it was overwhelming him with emotions. Karissa moved her hands on his temples adding gentle pressure in a circular motion. Judging by his relaxed expression and the light moans, he was definitely enjoying it. Next, she used all her fingers to massage his scalps and bury her hands in his soft brown locks. That was the sealing deal, alright, Seto was totally and completely melted at her touch. After some time, Karissa finished and Seto looked a lot better now.

"Thank you," the blue-eyed CEO meant it.

"There's no need to thank me, I'm glad I could be of help," Seto brought her in for a kiss.

"Well, thank you anyway," Seto murmured against her lips. "But I have to go back to work now," Seto stated almost in regret.

"Must you?" Karissa lightly pushed herself before him on his desk. "Why don't you and I go and take a little break instead?" Karissa suggested and Seto was about to object before she continued with her proposal. "Why don't you show me how to play Duel Monsters? I know the basics, but I'm definitely no match for you," Karissa announced looking expectantly at him.

To play a game of Duel Monsters... for fun? And teach her the game? Seto never thought of this as something he'd ever do. When he played, it was for power and with strong opponents like him. Maybe the thirst for power wasn't entirely his, Seto had finally opened his eyes to the truth and how easily Blue-Eyes could manipulate him. Yet, Seto wasn't about to deny his fault either, he'd been a rude, selfish jerk, so it was as much his fault as it was the dragon's.

"I haven't played in a while," that was true, his deck was locked up not to tempt himself.

"So what? It'll be just for fun and I can bet you'll have no trouble beating me at Duel Monsters any time," Karissa lightly shrugged, feeling no offence whatsoever. She was a rookie so why deny it?

"Don't underestimate yourself too much, you never know, you might actually be good," Seto was getting more and more convinced with her idea.

"Are we going to play then?" Karissa straightened up waiting in excitement.

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