Chapter 27

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Just then, a light appeared just before Seto was lost to oblivion. Seto's soul was brought to another place, a very familiar one. His spirit was reforming again, his consciousness returning to him. Seto realised he'd been there before. Glancing up, Seto recognised the beings standing before him. These were the all-powerful Egyptian gods.

"Seto Kaiba, you finally fulfilled your destiny," Osiris spoke but Seto's mind was still blurred to fully comprehend the extent of his words.

"Your sacrifice closed the circle," Isis explained to Seto's benefit. "In Ancient times, Kisara was the one holding Blue-Eyes sacrificing herself for your counterpart. Now, you were the one to do it. It was the ultimate sacrifice and you finally proved yourself, Seto. The circle is now complete and you're both free of the dragon." Isis spoke kindly.

Seto just stared at her trying to assimilate her words. His sacrifice allowed him to prove himself. But Seto never thought about it when he took the fatal shot instead of Karissa. All he thought of was her safety. Just like Kisara did, probably that's why they proved each other. It was a selfless act of love, choosing the life of another before their own.

"I'm... free?" Seto wasn't completely sure what they meant. Wait, didn't he just die in their world. Even if he was free... Seto was a spirit now, no longer human. Isis noted the sadness coming from him.

"Yes, you may return to your world as yourself." Osiris motioned with his hand.

"I-I don't mean to be ungrateful but... I just died, so I cannot return anymore," Seto bowed his head sorrowfully.

"That is not exactly true, or do you forget who stands before you?" Isis gave a light chuckle.

Seto processed the information slowly. He was... free. No, not just free, these were the gods of Egypt and they could bring him back. As in back to life, so nothing was lost yet. The Curse of the White Dragon was finally lifted after five thousand years. When their curse was finally gone Seto was finally free of the dragon and being brought back to life, he could be himself for the first time in his existence. Seto smiled gratefully, no longer feeling the all confronting arrogant influence of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon.

"Thank you..." Seto whispered before disappearing.

The gods gave him a slight nod waving him off, returning his soul where it belonged. On his way back, Seto's path was intercepted by a beam of light. He covered his eyes when he saw the spirit of Kisara standing before him.

"Well done Seto, we're finally free." Kisara nodded gratefully in his way. "Now go back to your friends and family, they already miss you a lot," Kisara smiled before disappearing, dissolving into the same being of light.

Seto's soul continued on its way, he was going home. What did she mean by friends though? Before Seto had time to think about it, everything went white, and he was transported back into the world of the living.


Karissa and Mokuba cried in each other's arms and their friends were crying too. There was nothing they could do but mourn their loss. All of a sudden, a blinding light appeared out of nowhere seeming to come from Seto's body. They had to cover their eyes due to the intensity of the glow. Something was happening, Seto's body was surrounded by a soft golden aura and so was the dragon.

Seto felt himself return to the earth where he belonged. Just when his soul was coming back to his body, he met the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. They stared at each other in some sort of... understanding. If Seto was free that meant Blue-Eyes was free too and Seto was glad about it. The monster was nothing but trapped all this time, he deserved to be freed as much as they did. Seto nodded at him with a smile.

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