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"I'm home" I announced as I made my way inside. My mom was watching TV when I walked in.

"So how did it go?"

How am I supposed to tell my mom that it's barely been a week and I got the melanin marshals interrogating me?

"Um... It went okay," I lied. "We just talked a little bit and I got to meet her friends. They all go to the same school."

She began to make that face that only moms can make when they're proud of you.

"Oh Y/N, I'm so proud of you." She got up to give me a hug. "I know how hard moving to another country can be. I'm just happy that you're making the most of it. It makes me so happy to see you enjoying yourself." She kissed my forehead and headed back to where she was reading. I immediately went upstairs to reflect on today's events.

I really should have gotten her phone number.

Putting my phone down and looking out my window, I see a familiar face.

What the... How long has she been standing there for?

There Hori was, standing just far enough to be able to be seen from my window.

She's got to be kidding me. I honestly just want a little break.

I wave her away but I can tell she feels bad. It's okay though. She can think about her actions over night.


The next day, I was awoken by my mom telling me I had a visitor. Still in my pajamas, I make my way downstairs to see who it was. I must have looked a little rough because both my mom and Hori looked at me like I had just rolled in a mound of dirt.

Oh of course. It's my abuser. I give my prior statement another thought. Okay maybe that was a bit much.

I give my mom the "I got this" look and lean on the door frame.

"Hey Hor--." Before I could finish my sentence, she pushed Google Translate in my face. I could see she had written an entire paragraph that she expected me to read.

"I'm so sorry Y/N. I did some research and I came to my own conclusion. My asking you that was very invasive and I never meant to make you feel that way. I've just never met another Black person in person before and I thought this could be my time to have a few of my questions answered. I now understand that I wasn't my place to intrude and you weren't obligated to answer me. Please accept my apology." As I finished reading I caught a glimpse of her pleading eyes.

Wow. She probably spent a lot of time trying to find the right words for this. I'm proud of her. She managed to do a lot more than what the white kids did at home which isn't saying much but it's something. 

I look at her and smile gently.

And I can tell she really means this.

"Awe come here," I give her a light hug and feel as she tightly hugs me back. I can tell she really regrets her actions but if she ever do some dumb shit like this again and dropping her. I take her phone and begin to type my response.

"Listen, I really need you to help me to learn some Japanese. My mom has helped me pick up a few things here and there but honestly, I'm having a really hard time. Maybe you could come by more often and teach me?"

Hori's face got happier and happier with each passing second. I could tell she really wanted to spend time with me. As I await my response, I notice my mom in the corner of my eye giving me thumbs up.

She's so goofy, oh my god. I love her.

Hori finished her response and showed me. "I'd love to!" it reads. "But you will need to come to my house. I have to watch my little brother and cook for my family."

I'm... going to her house...?

https://linktr.ee/zisgoingtohell Copy and paste into your browser to learn more about me!

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