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you changed my mind by eli. 


We all get seated at our desks but as soon as we arrive, I'm bombarded with random classmates.

"Hi! I saw you at the opening ceremony! Well of course I did. Everyone did. I wanted to know if we could be friends!"

"I love your hair! It's so unique. Maybe you could do that on me sometime?"

"Your makeup is so cute. I wish I was that talented."

"Hey Y/N do you play any sports? I think you'd be great for the basketball team"

Okay that one felt racially motivated.

"Okay! That's enough everyone! Don't forget we're in school. Be gone," ordered Kouno.

"Ughhhh you're no fun, Kouno," complained one of my abusers. "Yeah we just wanted to say hi."

Kouno shooed them away and made our desks which was, once again, a safe space.

"Sorry about that Y/N. It's like they've never seen a foreigner before. People forget their manners when speaking to someone they aren't familiar with."

You don't have to tell me that.

"No thank you honestly. If it were up to me, I would have completely ignored every last one of them. Thank you for saving my social life." Kouno smiled and sat down in her seat.


The rest of the day was manageable. I was able to secure a group of people to eat with and created a solid foundation for the rest of the year. Whenever there was a word I didn't know in Japanese, my new found friends would help me pronounce it which was a big help. I'm not gonna lie, it's embarrassing at times but I know they're just trying to help.

The lunch bell rings and students begin to leave the classroom in pursuit of places to eat. Before lunch started, I was invited to eat with my new group but before I could even get my lunch out, Hori opened the door.

"Y/N! Can we eat together? I also have to tell you something really important. It can't wait." I look at the trio and get their nod of approval. Getting up, I follow Hori throughout the hallway. For us, the first years are on the first floor. Somehow, we managed to make it to the second floor.

"Hori," I questioned. "What are we doing here?" All she did was shush me until we got to the second year's bathroom.

Walking in, I set my lunch on the sink. "Hori, what are we-" My sentence is cut off by her interlocking her mouth with mine. She's managed to pin my body between two of the sinks. I'm trapped.

Holding her face back, I'm able to get a few words in, "Hold on. What if we get caught?" Her face tells me she had that planned out from the start.

She tells me how she went to the second floor because she knows this is the only floor where people don't go to eat their lunch alone. Apparently, the second year's bathroom is in close proximity to the dumpster outside. Also, first years love to spend time in the bathroom so this was the next best thing.

Closing the gap between us more, Hori props my leg up on the sink. I can tell she has been looking forward to this for a while now. Her hands are in sync with my desires and they begin to trace my torso. Down my torso, she gets to my stomach and from my stomach, she reaches my vulva.

"Wait," I begged. "Let's go to the stall." We move into the farthest stall from the door and continue where we left off. She uses her middle finger to slowly rub against my clit, making sure to kiss my neck as she goes.

"Hori..." Moving my panties out of the way, she inserts a finger, exploring my insides. Just as she goes to put another finger in, I hear the bathroom door open. I thought she said there wasn't going to be anyone else in here. The two girls who walked in realize one of the two stalls is being used. One walks into the closet stall to the door and the other waits for her friend to finish.

While the first girl uses the stall, Hori continues to finger me with two fingers, getting faster and faster with each thrust. When the toilet flushes, she takes this opportunity to ask me, "Who does this pussy belong to?" The question takes me by surprise and I'm at a loss for words. "Hurry, before the toilet stops."

Quickly, I answer her question, "You... It belongs to you, Hori." That answer didn't seem to satisfy her. Sliding her fingers deeper inside my pussy, she asks once more, "Who does this pussy belong to?" I had already answered her question. What could she be looking for? Then I remember our conversation from earlier.

"It belongs to you, Kyouko. You and only you~"

"Bingo," she smirks. At this point, the two girls are finishing up and leave the bathroom. Hori takes this chance to slip another finger in, widening me further.

"P-Please... I can't take much more of this," I plead.

Licking my ear, she responds, "Then finish."

Her flirtatious tone caused me to feel the pressure building up in my abdomen. To brace myself, I held onto Hori much harder than I already was and without her stopping her fingers, my opening tenses up.

Feeling it boil over, I arch my back and dig my nails into her back.

"Kyouko.. You feel so good." Slipping her fingers out of me, she brings them up to my face.

"Can you clean me up, Y/N?" she suggested. "It seems only fair considering you made the mess."

Taking her up on her offer, I wrap my tongue around her fingers and suck them dry of anything I left behind.

"That's a good girl," praised Hori. Wiping the rest of my spit on my cheeks.

Copy and paste into your browser to learn more about me!: https://linktr.ee/zisgoingtohell 

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