Chapter 10: Charlie

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Chapter 10, Charlie

The head healer looked over my wounds as fast as she could so that I would be able to rest but I could tell just from looking at her face that she wanted to band me from doing the test so I put on a convincing smile.
"Don't worry too much I will be fine, I already know that the burns, even with my healing factor will take longer to heal if I get hurt anymore so I will make sure to keep them covered and try not to hurt my back anymore so I can still fight" I told her with a smile.
"You don't seem to understand this is not just a normal burn, the fire was magically made meaning it's a magical burn. If it gets infected it will not only take longer to heal but it can grow bigger and put you into a coma before you die" warned Jane, the healer and I nodded.
"I do understand that but Mother is right, everyone will become uneasy if they put the test on hold because then they will think that the fire was lit by someone and not an accident that happened. Right now the clan needs the test to continue and show them that this doesn't affect us" I said, not believing my own words but she didn't need to know that. What I didn't see as I laid on my stomach to rest was the look of shock and admiration that Jane gave me. Finally when it was time for the next test to take place I got up and grabbed a new shirt slipping it on and headed to the training hall. Father decided that since the forest had been on fire that it was too dangerous to have the sparring match in the forest so it was to be held in the training hall. 

After arriving in the hall I started to warm up, while I was warming up I saw that there were a lot of people already waiting and most were mumbling between themselves.
"Why are they even still holding the second test? Charlie has already proven himself to me by not only finishing the obstacle course but handling the fire how he did, the elders just aren't playing fair" whispered an older warrior Jason, he was the one that taught me everything I knew about fighting and surprisingly I heard others whispering their agreements.
"We will now begin the second and final trial because of the fire that is a one on one spar, for Charlie to prove himself he will need to fight and defeat Samson in a no-rules spar" announced Father making the mumbles and whispers grow louder. Most of the whispers surprised me since they were demanding that I shouldn't have to fight in the first place since they didn't think I should be getting tested, they were the ones that didn't want the test to happen at all. Others were whispering how they wanted me to verse someone tougher like Joshua or Samual and then the third group was that they wanted the second test cancelled and wrote off as my victory.
"Hope you said your goodbyes pretty boy after all once I am finished with you, you aren't going to be so pretty anymore" smirked Samson. He was a rather large man packed with muscles like a body-builder, his skin was tanned and his hair was brown with matching brown eyes.
"Sorry but I don't plan to lose after coming this far after all I have to win this match no matter what happens" I retorted and he flushed red in anger as he hissed. That was good, he was easily provoked and angered plus he was one of the few warriors that believed that muscle and strength was everything. Everyone knew though that if you let your emotions get a hold of you then you were sure to lose either in a spar or a real battle.
"You may begin now may the best warrior come out victorious" said Father and Samson instantly charged towards me making me dodge to the side. Samson had already taken on his Naga form, his eyes turning yellow and glowing while his eye teeth dripped with poison while his legs disappeared and were replaced by a tail. Holding my ground and keeping my guard up would be the first thing to worry about, meaning that I should stay in my human form so to not give him a bigger target to attack. After that it was just the matter of coming up with a plan to outwit Samson since he was relying on his muscle and strength.
"What's the matter, you scared? Don't worry you will still be breathing once I am done with you after all even if this is a no rules spar you're not meant to kill your enemy" smirked Samson tauntingly and I could tell he was trying to get me to take on my Naga form.
"Not really scared, more like bored of this match already. I'm also wondering why I got stuck with such a weak opponent" I commented, making him get riled up even more which pleased me. My plan was a simple one, get him angry so that he didn't use his brain at all, not that he used it much at the moment and then he would exhaust himself faster and give me a chance to act on my own attack to win.
"You little punk" roared Samson slithering towards me while throwing punches that I either dodged out of the way or blocking them holding off on attacking him back for now. Soon enough, likeI thought, Samson started to tire out, his speed starting to slow and the punches he threw were starting to lose strength behind them. Like a true snake I took my Naga form and quickly wrapped my tail around his tail to pin it down, while with my arms I put him in a head lock so he couldn't struggle. Roaring he tried to move only to be stopped by my tail which was my plan. Unfortunately for me what I didn't expect was him to throw himself onto the ground, not that it helped since I didn't let go but I landed on my back making pain explode through my back. Tightening my hold on his neck he let out a choked noise before starting to tap on the ground submitting meaning that I won so I let him go making him gasp for air both of us still laying on the ground not getting up.
"Like that Charlie has proven that not only is he worthy of the title warrior but also that he belongs in this clan and has this clans best interests at heart" boomed Father making people get up and cheer even the ones that had doubted me that many times I had lost count. It was different then what I thought the reaction would be but I knew that this would be the start to show my family what I could do and that they could trust and be proud that I was part of their clan. When I finally managed to get up off the ground I walked over to Samson and put my hand out to help him up since he was on his knees looking shocked and horrified that he had actually lost.
"You put up a good fight, if it was a completion of strength then I would have lost but you have to remember that spars aren't just about strength but also about smarts and planning meaning that you need to keep a level head and not letting your emotions, like anger control you" I advised as he accepted my hand to help him up.
"Yeah I guess I have a bit to go still though, I guess you aren't as bad as the rumors say" smiled Samson as he shook my hand.
"You're welcome to join me when I do my daily routine each morning if you want, I also do meditation which could help with your emotions" I offered.
"I think that I will take you up on that offer, I have always been told to get my emotions under control but that can start tomorrow for now aren't you meant to be celebrating your victory and your passing of this test" said Samson as he lead me to the banquet hall that was filled with the clans members with tables of food and drinks. Before I even got a foot in the hall Jane came over with a stern face that would mean I was getting a full health check up and lecture even if I didn't want it. Waving to Samson who had headed into the hall towards his own friends I followed Jane to the infirmary.

"You are lucky that you didn't stay on your back for any longer if not I would have banned you from fighting for at least two months but since I know that even if I told you that you wouldn't listen, keep your back wrapped for a week and change the bandages each night after a shower. Also put this on it after a shower joined with your healing ability this balm should heal it right up but if it doesn't you better come to me straight away" ordered Jane and I nodded taking the balm glad that I was going to be able to get away from her sooner then I thought I would.
"There you are Charlie, follow me" said Mother looking impatient as she opened the door and I nodded my thanks to Jane as I followed Mother. 

Following her I ended up in the office that belonged to Elder Bruce which explained why Bruce and Gloria were waiting for Mother and myself.
"Charlie, you have impressed us more then we ever thought that you could, not only defeating Samson but your reaction to the fire impressed us as well" complimented Gloria making me surprised after all I didn't expect any compliments especially from Gloria and Bruce.
"Which brings us to the reason why we asked you to come here, we have a mission for you, one that could change the clan forever and win this war against the Aven's but it is important therefore you can't tell anyone about this" explained Bruce. What didn't make sense to me was why they were talking to me about this mission and why Father wasn't here for it but for now I pushed it back since he was probably busy with the rest of the clan because of the fire.
"You attend the same college as that wrench that leads the Aven clan therefore you are the best person to get close to her and befriend her to eliminate her" ordered Mother making my blood run cold. They wanted me to befriend my crush before betraying her and killing her but they were finally starting to respect me a little and if I didn't do it then they would get someone else so if I done it I could make sure she didn't suffer too much, give her a swift death like going to sleep instead of what other members would do.
"I'll do it, I'll find her and become her friend, she doesn't know about me being part of the Naga clan and she doesn't seem to have many friends so it should be easy enough" I lied wishing I didn't have to agree but they gave me a nod of approval. 
"Good, make sure that you do not tell anyone else, if it gets out about your mission and what you are doing then they will watch you making the Aven clan realise that we are up to something and then everything will be destroyed" warned Bruce and I nodded as I left the room heading towards the party after stopping by my room and dropping the balm off.

"There he is, the man of the hour we were actually just talking about your great win" smirked Samson as he threw an arm around my shoulders being careful for my back.
"It really wasn't all that great and it wasn't that impressive most of it was just pure luck" I said trying to brush the compliment off.
"Oi, don't you try and down play what you did, I mean not many can actually finish that course which you did plus you fought and won against Samson not to mention that you actually went through a real forest fire and even got injured to save another member of the clan" said Eric hitting the back of my head. With Eric came Shawn and Kieran, all three boys had been my friends since I was a child. They didn't care about the fact that I was one of the clan leader's son's or the fact that I was the third born son. Eric had long black hair that he wore half up in a pigtail, his eyes were a light orange-yellow colour behind glasses and he was rather pale since he was more of the type to stay in the library though he was still rather muscular like a swimmer since all of the clan was required to at least train once a week. Shawn had sandy blonde hair with blue eyes and tanned since he liked to hang out at the pool or even just training outside since he liked to be in shape for the ladies as he says. Kieran had red hair, yellow eyes and his skin between being tanned and white since he liked to study but he also liked being outside as well.
"Don't look now bro, but you are being eyed up like you are a sweet ready to be eaten" said Shawn gesturing to May who was standing near the punch bowl staring at me. Seeing that I was looking towards her she seemed to brighten up and must have gotten some confidence seeing as she started to head towards us.
"Well then let's go, see you later man" smirked Kieran as they left all of them smirking at me with thumbs up even Samson making me sigh.
"Um Charlie, I don't know if you know me but-" started May shyly with a blush.
"You're May right? You didn't get hurt in the fire did you?" I enquired as she shook her head left and right rather fast.
"No, no I didn't, thanks to you that is" beamed May before she started to blush even more.
"Listen I was wondering if you want to perhaps-" May tried making me dread what she was going to stop but she was interrupted by the door slamming open.
"We have to hurry, the Aven clan has attacked Rose mall" yelled the warrior who had burst into the door making everything and everyone stop what they were doing.

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