Chapter 16: Maylin

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Chapter 16, Maylin

After we finished dinner I bid Charlie good night and headed back to the compound. When I got back I lied to the elders telling them that I was hanging out with some girls from college and that I was tired so I was going to go to bed early. At least that was the plan until Justin stopped me on my way.
"Maylin,  can you come here real quick?" Justin asked, looking around like he was expecting something or someone to jump out of thin air.
"What is it?" I asked as I walked into the spare bedroom with him so that we could be alone.
"You have been looking into the archives right? To find out the truth about the clan wars right?" questioned Justin and my eyes widened.
"How...How did you find that out? I haven't told anyone here about that" I said getting ready to knock him out and run. I wasn't going to kill him though after all he was still young and I wasn't going to kill an innocent person or kill anyone really but I would have to try at least to stop him from telling anyone
"Don't worry, I am the only one that knows anything and that is how it's going to stay so long as you don't get sloppy. I knew as soon as I met you that your curiosity would get the best of you and you would try and find the truth" explained Justin.
"Do you know the truth?" I asked, getting a little excited because if he did then I wouldn't have to worry about finding the archives.
"No I don't know the truth, no one does because no one questions the elders what they say is law but now you are shaking things up they are getting confused on who to follow, the elders that have kept them together or the born leader of the clan that they are destined to follow" He said.
"I have realised that, people look to the elders like they are gods but now they know I won't let them kill people some are following the orders while others aren't meaning I have to stamp down on them and it's starting to get to me" I sighed and he nodded.
"I know, you have lost a lot of weight and haven't been sleeping well, you need to take care of yourself but right now that isn't why I cornered you" said Justin.
"What do you need help with?" I asked seriously.
"Me and Kerri are going to disappear and take the kids with us" He said and my eyes widened.
"Disappear? What do you mean? Why disappear?" I questioned looking at him trying to understand why he had decided on this path.
"It's too dangerous to stay here anymore especially for Lacy, Lilin, Mary, Gary and Tom they are all orphans their parents all died because of this war all they have is me and Kerri since we have been taking care of them for so long" explained Justin and I nodded.
"I am telling you this because I like you, not as anything more than a friend of course but you have to be careful especially with your lover boy I don't want anything happening to you" said Justin making me blush.
"Lover boy?" I spluttered trying to think of an excuse.
"Oh please you can't really hide that, I don't know how to explain it but you just have that glow of a girl with a crush and I figured it wasn't some one from the Aven clan so it's someone else" smirked Justin.
"Just be quiet" I said, blushing.
"Onto a more important note if he isn't part of the clan don't let anyone know about him, my parents when they were alive my father was part of the clan but my mother wasn't and that is what got them killed" said Justin.
"They got killed because they weren't both from the clan?" I asked him, shocked.
"Yes so make sure to keep him a secret, for now I have to go so we can get out of here with our lives, the battles are getting worse and they are pushing to train the kids" said Justin.
"I have a suggestion for you, Kerri and the kids its a little risky but I am sure that it will work out" I offered.
"What? But we don't have much time" said Justin and I nodded.
"I know but I have made a rocky friendship with a clan of Blood pixies, Derek is the heir of the clan has become somewhat of a friend for me, I am sure that if I sent a text to him and let him know you will be able to stay with them and have their protection" I said and his eyes widened and I was glad that I had gotten Derek and Sally's number.
"Are you sure?" asked Justin and I nodded getting my phone out.

'Derek, I have another favour to ask you, I need to get some of my clansmen out of the clan and I was wondering if you would be able to take care of them for now until I get everything settled with the clan wars' I texted and we sat there waiting for the reply.

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