Chapter 14: Charlie

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Chapter 14, Charlie

I haven't been having any luck getting close to Maylin which both upset me and made me happy but I was surprised to see Maylin approach me herself during lunch one day. From the looks of it she was having even more trouble sleeping, pairing that with her loss of appetite most wouldn't find her attractive but I still saw her as beautiful though I do wish that I could at least get her to be a little healthier just so that I knew she was okay. Both of those things though didn't stand out at the moment, no at the moment what caught my attention the most was that her eyes were ringed with red which made my blood boil. Who had made her cry? And would I be able to make them pay for making her cry?

"Charlie I was wondering if we could talk on neutral grounds without bringing our clans into this" Maylin requested, her voice sounding tired and like she was ready to drop dead or pass out.
"I see no problem with that, you should sit down since you look like you are about to pass out from sleep deprivation" I offered and she took the seat. For once I was glad I was sitting in the library instead of the lunch room without Ben and Paul or I would never hear the end of it.
"Yeah, I haven't been sleeping that good ever since this whole thing started" she explained just as her stomach rumbled making her duck her head and blush bright red.
"Wait here" I told her, not being able to take it so I went to the lunch room and brought a roast meat sandwich and orange juice before returning with it. Normally you weren't meant to bring food into the library but so long as we didn't have books we were allowed food and drinks.
"You should eat before we continue, you look like you need it, when was the last time you ate anyway?" I questioned.
"Last night, no wait maybe yesterday morning" mumbled Maylin as she ate some of the sandwich which made me happy that she was eating.
"Now that you have eaten, what can I help you with? You seemed to have something on your mind when you approached me" I said.
"It's about the clans, I know that we are enemies and I asked to leave the whole clan business out of this but do you happen to know why our clans are enemies?" Maylin asked. Of all things I was expecting her to ask, this was not one of them. Now that I actually thought about it though I couldn't recall a reason for us wanting to get rid of the Aven clan. If there was a reason for us to be enemies then I had not been told about it and since I was one of the leaders children I would think that I would have been told.
"To tell you the truth I don't know either but more importantly what made you think about this? I mean not many people would think to dig deeper than just the clans being a snake and a bird" I said.
"Well if I am going to be leading a clan in a war I can't just turn a blind eye, I have to know why, I mean other than the fact both families have lost a lot of people" Maylin explained and I nodded. It made sense and now I kind of wanted to know the answer as well after all I was part of the war as well. I was putting my life on the line along with my family and friends every time we fought each other so I deserved to know the truth just as Maylin did. Not only that but this was also a chance to get close to Maylin, to get to know her a little more before I carried out my clan's mission if I could force myself to do it.
"I can understand that and since we both don't know the answer why don't we call a truce for a little while and look for the answer together?" I suggested and I could tell that she was thinking it over which was better then getting rejected straight out.
"If we have this truce then we can't attack each other or ask anyone else to attack the other either" she demanded and my heart hurt. Getting sucked into the supernatural world and having to lead the Aven clan had changed Maylin and not for the better it seems.
"I can agree to that, I suggest that we also keep this from our clans since they would rather label us traitors and kill us then let us hang out together" I said knowing that both my family and her clan would kill us if they found out about this even with my mission.
"Agreed, where should we meet up then?" Maylin asked.
"There is a café that I go to, I'll give you directions so you can meet me there tomorrow and we can discuss where we could find the information" I said, getting a piece of paper out to write down the directions.
"I will see you tomorrow then" said Maylin as she took the piece of paper and left.

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